
News Release

REF NO.: 59

SUBJECT: PSA: Words in Edgewise, co-sponsored by Memorial’s Graduate Program in Humanities, celebrates two years

DATE: November 14, 2011

            On Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011, Words in Edgewise features a frantic night of 20/20 talks. Speakers are given a scant six minutes and 20 seconds – no more, no less – to wow the audience through a series of 20 images that automatically change every 20 seconds.
             These 20/20 talks will be accompanied by the electro-mouth music of Elling Lien, who mixes mouth sounds into great electronic music. It promises to be an action-packed night.
            Words in Edgewise 20/20 happens Wednesday, Nov. 16, at Eastern Edge Gallery, 8 p.m. Hosted by Morgan Murray. Admission is by donation.

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