
News Release

REF NO.: 217

SUBJECT: Planned power outage on Memorial’s St. John’s campus this weekend

DATE: July 5, 2012

Memorial University’s Facilities Management is planning for major infrastructure upgrades to the main campus electrical systems which will require a campus-wide electrical outage spanning five days, Friday, July 6, 6 p.m., to Tuesday, July 10, 5 a.m.
The outage is required to enable the replacement of several power distribution cables. A number of buildings on campus have backup power systems which will be used to maintain critical systems in those facilities. Other stakeholder needs have been identified and localized emergency power has been arranged for those areas. This outage will not affect the Health Sciences Centre.
Classes for Monday, July 9, have been cancelled and students scheduled to write exams during the power outage have been relocated. Individuals affected by building closures or partial building closures during the outage have been notified.
University community members will have access to their Memorial email accounts via handheld devices as well as their home computers. However, most remote access to users’ files will be unavailable, except for those users with access to a virtual private network.
Further information and ongoing updates will continue to be available at www.mun.ca/poweroutage/index.php.

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