
News Release

REF NO.: 11

SUBJECT: The global energy industry’s “perfect storm” comes to Memorial

DATE: September 23, 2010

These are turbulent times as a changing environment, expanding new economies and declining energy supplies create a “perfect storm” for the global energy industry. 
A free public lecture at Memorial University will explore what the resulting transformation might mean for companies, industries and the economy.
Dr. Harrie Vredenburg, the Suncor Energy Chair in Competitive Strategy and Sustainable Development at the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business, will present The New Age of Energy Turbulence and Innovation on Wednesday, Oct. 6.
 “We are on the cusp of one of the great discontinuities in history,” Dr. Vredenburg said. “The world of modern industrial energy has only recently started to feel the initial effects of three major global trends - economic development of the global south, supply challenges in the oil and gas industry and climate change and its policy response.”
In this public lecture, Dr. Vredenburg will explain how this developing “perfect storm” will lead to the disappearance of entire industries, while new ones take their place. The transformations will impact not only the energy industry, but the economy as a whole.
A professor of strategy at the Haskayne School of Business, Dr. Vredenburg is also an International Research Fellow at Oxford University’s Centre for Corporate Reputation in the U.K. In addition to his research pursuits, Dr. Vredenburg has served on the Boards of several public and private energy
companies, including as chair of Dionysus Energy Corporation, an early-stage
venture company focused on innovative oil and gas projects. He also sits on advisory boards for national and international research centres. In 2008, he was appointed to the Alberta Nuclear Power Expert Panel to advise the Minister of Energy and Government of Alberta on issues related to nuclear energy.
Hosted by Memorial’s Faculty of Business, this public lecture begins at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 6 in the Engineering Lecture Theatre, room EN-2006, Faculty of Engineering building on Memorial’s St. John’s campus. Admission is free; all are welcome. Parking is available in Lot 16/16A. A reception will follow.

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