
News Release

REF NO.: 145

SUBJECT: SIFE Memorial to compete in Atlantic Canadian championship

DATE: March 10, 2011

Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Memorial will be competing in the 2011 Regional Topic Competition on March 10 and 11 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. SIFE will present on their community outreach programs.
Fourteen students will compete in three different topic competitions, representing three different areas of SIFE initiatives. Five students will present on the entrepreneurial projects offered in the community, while another team of five students will present on the financial education focused projects. The remaining four students will present on the environmentally focused projects.
Each team will be given 10 minutes to provide a comprehensive presentation on their projects and results of the past year. This will be followed by a question and answer segment from a panel of judges. The winning team of each topic competition will represent Atlantic Canada at the national exposition in Toronto this May.
The work of SIFE Memorial has been recognized at these competitions in previous years: the team claimed the national title for financial education in both 2007 and 2008, and the national title for entrepreneurship in 2009. In 2010, the financial education team placed third in the national competition.
“Our students continue to amaze me,” declared Lynn Morrissey, assistant professor, communications, Faculty of Business Administration and faculty advisor to the team. “Competitions like these are important, illustrate the strength of our programs overall and help remind us of the great work the students do and the impact they're having on our communities.”
Full details of the championship are available at www.acecanada.ca/_bin/students/competitions/topicCompetitions.cfm.

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