
News Release

REF NO.: 0

SUBJECT: Grenfell: Sir Wilfred Grenfell College Theatre Program presents Unity (1918)

DATE: February 26, 2010

          This Governor General's Award winning play is set in Unity, Saskatchewan, a small farming community just west of Saskatoon. 
          This play is set in 1918 and the Great War "to end all wars" is staggering to a conclusion. The country, having suffered terrible losses of young men is facing another threat, a virus so deadly that it killed more people in four weeks than were killed in four years of war. It is estimated that at least 21 million lives were lost wordwide. 
          By the time the ‘flu epidemic had drawn to an end, 50,000 Canadians were dead. This ‘flu was most deadly to the young aged 20 to 40, and often killed within hours.
           The play looks at the effect of these threats on this small rural community. It is a darkly funny and moving play performed in one room by the 2nd and 3rd year Acting students, and directed by Nancy Beatty.
           Unity (1918) opens Monday, March 1, and runs until Saturday, March 6, at 8 p.m. in the Rehearsal Hall. Tickets are available at the college bookstore or at the box office on the evening of each performance. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students and seniors.  For more information call 637-6223.

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