
News Release

REF NO.: 0

SUBJECT: Grenfell: Grenfell College takes next steps in move toward autonomy

DATE: January 15, 2010

        Senior administration at Sir Wilfred Grenfell College met with Memorial University senior officials this week to map out next steps in the plan for greater autonomy for the Corner Brook campus.

        Dr. Holly Pike, acting principal of Grenfell, and Dr. Bill Iams, acting vice-principal, met with Dr. Chris Loomis, acting president, Bob Simmonds, chair of the Board of Regents, and other officials of the St. John’s campus to determine how to roll out the strategy announced by government on Dec. 16, 2009. Those present discussed potential mechanisms for overseeing and implementing the necessary changes on both campuses.

        “Some of the adjustments that will be made, such as a name change, will require the approval of the Board of Regents, but there are other areas we can move on right away,” said Dr. Pike.

        For instance, the most immediate change is the addition of Grenfell’s principal to the membership of the university’s Senior Executive Committee, which is advisory to the president. Dr. Pike will join the membership of the Senior Executive Committee as of its next meeting.
        The college will also begin a process to gauge opinions regarding its name.

        “During the announcement by the provincial government, Minister Darrin King and Mr. Simmonds noted that we should reflect on what our name should be,” said Dr. Pike. “We’d like to get a sense of what the feeling is in our surrounding communities, as well as on campus, before we make a recommendation.”

        Dr. Pike said she is eager to put plans in place to capitalize on government’s investment, especially in the areas of recruitment and marketing.

        “These are areas we need to strengthen if we are to further demonstrate ourselves as an institution that is vital to the development of the western region and the province,” said Dr. Pike. “We are grateful to finally have the resources we need to start moving in the right direction.”

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