
News Release

REF NO.: 55

SUBJECT: Best Poster Award at international conference for Memorial University anesthesiology resident

DATE: October 20, 2009

A poster presentation by an anesthesiology resident at Memorial University drew major attention at a recent international conference. In fact, it was named Best Poster at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeon’s 2009 International Conference on Residency Education (ICRE), held Sept. 24-26 in Victoria, B.C. More than 1,400 participants from 25 countries attended this conference.
Dr. Sonia Sampson, a fifth-year anesthesiology resident, was first author on the poster, titled Staff and Resident Responses to Simulated Cases of Impaired Anesthesiologists. Co-authors were anesthesiologists Drs. Ken LeDez and Susan O’Leary, first-year anesthesiology resident Dr. Jason Chaulk, and statistician Dr. Yanqing Yi.
Dr. Sampson is pleased with the award and is in the process of writing up the results of the simulation study for submission to a major journal. The study has previously been presented regionally and nationally, and took first place at Memorial’s Anesthesia Resident Research Day in January 2009.
The study was done through the facilities of the Faculty of Medicine’s Surgical Research Laboratories and Medical Simulation Unit using a simulated patient and actors.

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