News Release
REF NO.: 27
SUBJECT: Political science offers post-election panel
DATE: October 6, 2008
As a follow up to last year’s discussion on the outcome of the 2007 provincial election, Memorial University’s political science department has coordinated a panel of local journalists for next Wednesday, Oct.15, the day after election day.
Journalists and academics will share their views on the 2008 election campaign, the future of the federal parties and leaders, and what the election results mean for Newfoundland and Labrador. Confirmed participants include Cheryl Gullage of VOCM Radio; Chris O’Neill-Yates of CBC-TV; Dave Bartlett of The Telegram; David Cochrane of CBC-TV and Radio, and Dr. Amanda Bittner and Dr. Christopher Dunn of Memorial University’s Political Science Department. The discussion will be moderated by political science professor Dr. Alex Marland.
“Last year’s discussion was largely audience-driven and we are looking to continue that format on Oct.15,” said Dr. Marland. “We look forward to an informative and entertaining evening with participants from the university community and the general public as we consider the local interpretations of the election outcome.”
Among the questions that will be discussed include the following:
· What do the results mean for Newfoundland and Labrador?
· Why did Newfoundlanders and Labradorians vote the way that they did?
· What is on the Prime Minister’s agenda?
· What are the implications of a minority or majority government?
Now what? A discussion of the 2008 Canadian Election will be held Wednesday, Oct. 15, from 7 to 9 p.m. in Memorial University’s Engineering lecture theatre (room EN-2006). All are welcome to attend. Parking is free in area 16 or $2 in area 60.
REF NO.: 27
SUBJECT: Political science offers post-election panel
DATE: October 6, 2008
As a follow up to last year’s discussion on the outcome of the 2007 provincial election, Memorial University’s political science department has coordinated a panel of local journalists for next Wednesday, Oct.15, the day after election day.
Journalists and academics will share their views on the 2008 election campaign, the future of the federal parties and leaders, and what the election results mean for Newfoundland and Labrador. Confirmed participants include Cheryl Gullage of VOCM Radio; Chris O’Neill-Yates of CBC-TV; Dave Bartlett of The Telegram; David Cochrane of CBC-TV and Radio, and Dr. Amanda Bittner and Dr. Christopher Dunn of Memorial University’s Political Science Department. The discussion will be moderated by political science professor Dr. Alex Marland.
“Last year’s discussion was largely audience-driven and we are looking to continue that format on Oct.15,” said Dr. Marland. “We look forward to an informative and entertaining evening with participants from the university community and the general public as we consider the local interpretations of the election outcome.”
Among the questions that will be discussed include the following:
· What do the results mean for Newfoundland and Labrador?
· Why did Newfoundlanders and Labradorians vote the way that they did?
· What is on the Prime Minister’s agenda?
· What are the implications of a minority or majority government?
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