
News Release

REF NO.: 0

SUBJECT: Grenfell PSA: International Year of Astonomy - activities continue at Grenfell College

DATE: March 30, 2009

The following is distributed on behalf of the Humber Natural History Society....

         Join us and celebrate the 400 years since Galileo used a telescope to investigate the sky.
         HNHS will participate in “100 Hours of Astronomy” (April 2 to 5), an international event which encourages as many people as possible to use telescopes to view the sky during that time. See the website http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/. We plan one night of ‘stargazing’.
         IF IT IS A CLEAR NIGHT (if it is not cloudy): We will meet on Thursday, April 2 at 8 PM in AS375 Grenfell College for Introductory remarks by Dr Doug Forbes, professor of astronomy and physics, SWGC.
         Before dark, we will move to a good outdoor spot near the college to set up a telescope and we will hold a ‘stargazing’ session. (Bring your binoculars – they can help you see some objects while others are using telescopes).
          IF THE SKY IS NOT CLEAR ON THURSDAY (if it is completely clouded over) we will postpone to the next night (same time, same place). If the second night is also cloudy we will keep going night by night, hoping that we get one clear night by April 5.

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