
News Release

REF NO.: 119


DATE: March 7, 2008

Memorial alumni are invited to a provocative, interactive discussion on how ambition plays out in the lives and minds of working women.
On Thursday, March 13, at 7:30 p.m., facilitator and communications consultant Lil Blume will look at the sources of women's ambitions and how our own attitudes and the attitudes of others influence our personal and professional decisions.
At this event, Ms. Blume will explore how men can support ambition in their female friends and family members. She will also help answer why women feel ambivalent towards aspects of ambition; why it is frustrating when they are encouraged or pressured to be more ambitious and what are the factors that affect attitudes towards ambition and recognition.
Date:             Thursday, March 13, 2008
Time:             7:30 p.m. with reception follow
Venue:          Johnson Geo Centre, Signal Hill Road, St. John’s
Cost:             $5 (must be purchased in advance)
Tickets must be purchased in advance and can be done by contacting the Office of Alumni Affairs and Development at 737-4354 or rsvpalumni@mun.ca.
This event is sponsored by Career Development and Experiential Learning and the Office of Alumni Affairs and Development.

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