
News Release

REF NO.: 233

SUBJECT: President to visit parts of Labrador

DATE: July 31, 2007

Building on the success of several visits to rural parts of the province, the president of Memorial University will be in Labrador next week.
Dr. Axel Meisen will be in the area from Aug. 6-8, meeting with various officials and community leaders, friends of Memorial and alumni.
During the two-day tour, Dr. Meisen is scheduled to visit Nain to meet with the William Andersen III, president of the Nunatsiavut Government, as well as Tim McNeil, deputy minister of Education and Economic Development, to discuss creating of a task force on aboriginal initiatives, the aboriginal chair, Memorial University’s Labrador Institute and post-secondary education in Labrador. This latest trip to Labrador is one of several successful visits Dr. Meisen has made to parts of the province. Most recently he visited the Baie Verte Peninsula and Happy Valley/Goose Bay, with a focus on mining activities.
Dr. Meisen will be available to speak with the media on a number of issues, including Memorial University’s role in Labrador, the provincial economy, and innovation through research and development.

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