Completed ATIPP Requests

2024 Requests 

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021| 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

Contact to obtain a copy of the response to an ATIPP request. (Note: Personal information requests are noted here for information purposes only; copies of responses are not available.)

File No. Date Rec'd DD/MM/YY Applicant Type Summary of Records Requested Type Decision No. of Pages Response Time (Business Days) Fees
014-05-01-24 09/07/24 Individual Memorial University's fire inspection report(s) for June and July 2024. General Full Disclosure 3 18 0
002-17-380-24 08/07/24 Individual Fire inspection report of July 2 2024, by the St. John's Regional Fire Department. General Full Disclosure 3 19 0
010-02-57-24 03/07/24 Individual Records RE Applicant Personal Partial Disclosure 53 20 0
002-17-377-24 03/07/24 Individual Perfect Day Productions costs from May 5 2022 to present.  General Full Disclosure 2 20 0
004-14-01-24 02/07/24 Individual All communications from members of the Board of Regents to members of the public regarding the MUN Students for Palestine protest - between May 10 and July 2 2024. General Partial Disclosure 8 20 0
012-17-03-24 02/07/24 Media Documentation or internal communications referencing private security contractors/firms, RCMP, RNC, CSIS and campus surveillance between Jan 1 2021 and July 2 2024. General Partial Disclosure 17 19 0
002-17-377-24 02/07/24 Individual All costs incurred by Memorial University in its legal defence of a human rights complaint (File 15-18) - from Sept 13 2016 to present.  General Full Disclosure 3 10 0
001-21-01-24 02/07/24 Individual Admissions criteria to the major programs offered by the Department of Psychology at Memorial University for the academic years 2023-24 and 2024-25 (include ranking criteria).  All emails and any communications related to admissions for the same academic years (no student names – only demographic information). General  Partial Disclosure 101 40 0
019-34-01-24 27/06/24 Individual Emails sent by the Chair of the Board of Regents to third party individuals in response to a click to email divestment campaign - from June 19 - 27 2024. General Nonexistent Records N/A 14 0
002-17-376-24 25/06/24 Individual A breakdown of the cost to repair elevators on the St. John's Campus for 2023 - include preventative maintenance costs.  General Full Disclosure 9 20 0
011-20-03-24 21/06/24 Individual (1) Step increase policies and procedures; (2) Any changes made to step increase policies; (3) Percentage of part-time employees contributing to the benefits pool at Memorial.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002-17-375-24 20/06/24 Individual Memorial University's 100th anniversary budget. General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002-17-374-24 19/06/24 Individual All emails sent and received by the President's Office RE the convocation protest and occupation of the Arts and Administration Building from Jan 1 2024 to present.  General Partial Disclosure 69 20 0
013-26-24-24 18/06/24 Individual A list of all Memorial University issued laptop computers, including PC or Mac, model of device, department assigned and position of the user.  General Full Disclosure 13 15 0
023-11-02-24 11/06/24 Interest Group The number of positions at Memorial University that are both filled and unfilled for specified time periods, including classification, and union affiliation (if applicable).  General Full Disclosure 3 20 0
002-17-372-24 11/06/24 Individual Memorial University's Presidential Assessment 23/24 survey results. General Nonexistent Records N/A 6 0
002-17-371-24 07/06/24 Individual Administrative services and items that Memorial University provides to C-Core.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002-17-370-24 07/06/24 Individual Administrative services and items that Memorial University provides to the Genesis Centre.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002-17-369-24 06/06/24 Individual All travel and hosting expenses for all assoicate VP's from Jan 1 2023 to present.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
007-12-01-24 05/06/24 Individual Communications between all Memorial Univerity administrators, and all members of the Board of Regents, containg the words 'Gaza', 'Palestine', 'Israel', or 'encampment'.  General Partial Disclosure 71 34 0
002-17-368-24 05/06/24 Individual A breakdown of the cost incurred by the Grenfell Campus cybersecurity breach.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
016-28-01-24 04/06/24 Individual A complete list of the organizations, funds and other entities that Memorial University, its endowment and pension funds are currently invested.  General Public Domain N/A 20 0
002-17-367-24 01/06/2021 Individual The most recent special purpose and trust funds annual report to the Board of Regents.  General Public Domain N/A 20 0
008-16-03-24 30/05/2024 Individual Request for the amount paid to Vianne Timmons as per Article 10.2, Options B a).  General Full Disclosure 1 7 0
002-17-366-24 29/05/24 Individual Funds used for recent LUMUN pay increases.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
013-36-01-24 24/05/24 Individual Access to Memorial University's investments or holdings records in the military and arms trades, including investments made in weapons manufacturing.  General Partial Disclosure 1 10 0
002-17-365-24 23/05/24 Individual All information RE funds with ties to Israel or Israeli company investments and endowments for the last year.  General Public Domain 1 19 0
002-17-364-24  22/05/24  Individual  All costs RE repair of elevators on the St. John's Campus for 2023.  General  Full Disclosure  2 20 0
002-17-363-24 21/05/2024 Individual All costs RE 2024 International Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism Conference.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002-17-362-24 16/05/24 Individual All emails sent and received by the IAP Office RE the  Genesis Centre, C-Core and Centre for Fisheries Innovation from Feb 23 2024 to present.  General Partial Disclosure 53 20 0
002-17-361-24 14/05/24 Individual All data RE non-academic appeals including but not limited to the year from Feb 26 2020, to present.  General Full Disclosure 1 16 0
002-17-360-24 14/05/24 Individual All date RE formal respectful workplace complaints including total number by year from Mar 11 2020 to May 14 2024. General Full Disclosure 2 10 0
020-11-02-24 13/05/24 Individual Information related to Memorial University's relationships - economic and otherwise - with any and all universities, colleges, or institutes of technology based anywhere in Israel.  General Partial Disclosure 7 45 0
020-11-01-24 13/05/24 Individual Records RE Applicant Personal Partial Disclosure 12 17 0
023-17-01-24 10/05/24 Individual Specified records  -  for the most recent first year medical school class, and records for the Indigenous pool applicants.  General Partial Disclosure 20 18 0
002-17-359-24 09/05/2024 Individual Sources of external funding to be provided to Memorial University for the Canada Game costs - amount for each source.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002/17-358-24 08/05/24 Individual Grade distributions by letter for every undergraduate and graduate class and instructor for the Winter 2024 semester (per class).  General Partial Disclosure 136 20 0
002-17-357-24 07/05/24 Individual Funds used to pay Core Science Facility mortgage.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
011-17-357-24 07/05/24 Individual Information related to the reasons and creation of the  Management and Professional Staff (MPS) compensation and pay scale, effective April 1 2011.  General Partial Disclosure 17 20 0
013-35-01-24 07/05/24 Individual Records RE Applicant Personal Full Disclosure 4 17 0
002-17-356-24 06/05/24 Individual All costs RE administration services and items that Memorial University provided to the Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation in the last fiscal year.  General Partial Disclosure 1 20 0
011-19-07-24 02/05/24 Individual The usage/purpose of the Centre for Applied Ocean Technology vessel - MV. D. Cartwright  - when signed out by two employees  - July 19 - 28 2020. General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002-17-355-24 01/05/24 Individual The number of special admission applications by year, and the number admitted by year, as far back as data exists.  General Full Disclosure 3 20 0
002-17-353-24 29/04/24 Individual Funds used for recent MUNFA pay increases. General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
025-04-03-24 26/04/24 Individual Records RE Applicant Personal  Partial Disclosure 452 60 0
025-04-02-24 26/04/24 Individual Records RE Applicant Personal Partial Disclosure 2 35 0
025-04-01-24 26/04/24 Individual Records RE Applicant Personal Partial Disclosure 1 25 0
002-17-351-24  26/04/24 Individual  All costs RE Grenfell Campus cybersecurity breach. General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002-17-350-24 25/04/24 Individual Statistics (by semester - from 2022 to present) for the Blundon Centre - include the total number of students registered and the total number of tests/exams accommodated.  General Full Disclosure   10 0
002-17-352-24 24/04/24 Individual List of all public engagement sessions / activities, facilitated, supported, and communicated by the Office of Public Engagement for 2022 and 2023. General Full Disclosure 1 10 0
002-17-349-24 23/04/2024 Individual Energy usage costs of all MUN campuses and SIEs - by month from July 2021 to present. General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
003-27-02-24 19/04/24 Individual (1) Total number of Geographic Full Time (GFT) faculty in the Faculty of Medicine (including assistant, associate and full professors) in 2023; (2) Total number of mandatory monetary contributions made to the Faculty of Medicine from Personal Medical Corporations (PMCs) belonging to GFT faculty in 2023. General Full Disclosure 1 7 0
016-27-01-24 16/04/24 Individual Annual statistics from the Development Office - Memorial University (Fiscal years - Apr 1 2016 to Mar 31 2024). General Full Disclosure 4 14 0
002-17-348-24 15/04/24 Individual All costs RE Canada Games to date.  General Full Disclosure 1 17 0
003-38-03-24 12/04/24 Individual (1) All emails sent and received by an engineering professor on Jan 9 & 10 2017; and (2) All emails sent and received by this professor containing 'SADRA'  - from Jan 1 2016 to present.  General Nonexistent Records 0 9 0
002-17-347-24 11/04/24 Individual Statement of account for the non-operating funds for the last fiscal year.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002-17-346-24 08/04/24 Individual All hosting expenses for the President from Feb 2 2023 to present.   General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
011-19-06-24 08/04/2024 Individual Copies of the sign out sheets for all vessels and operators belonging to the Centre for Applied Ocean  Technology (CTec) - for June and July 2020. General  Full Disclosure 1 16 0
019-33-01-24 08/04/24 Individual A breakdown of the number of seats allocated / assigned to international students in each post-secondary institution in Newfoundland and Labrador.  General Full Disclosure 1 15 0
002-17-345-24 04/04/24 Individual All travel and hosting expenses for all VPs from Feb 2 2023 to present.  General Full Disclosure 1 30 0
002-17-344-24 02/04/24 Individual Records from the Department of Financial and Administrative Services regarding funds that are not accounted for, or funds that have been misspent, from the non-operating funds during the last fiscal year. General Nonexistent Records 0 6 0
005-05-01-24 02/04/2024 Individual NOC/TEER Codes - (1) Who is responsible for determining the codes at Memorial University; (2) How is the code determined for a position; (3) Existing procedures used to clarify and/or dispute HR's determination of a code for a given position; and (4) The actual code database and what codes are used for with reference to the outdated classification (ie NOC 2016) as opposed to the most current classification.  General Full Disclosure 2 15 0
002-17-343-24 01/04/24 Individual All information RE the town hall sessions held in the search for new provost and vice-president (academic), including notes taken and correspondence (March 1 2024 to present).  General Partial Disclosure 112 20 0
002-17-342-24 01/04/24 Individual Provost and VP (Academic) and Pro Vice Chancellor search consultation survey results (all input received).  General Partial Disclosure 19 20 0
003-42-01-24 01/04/24 Individual (1)Total number of applications to the Bachelor of Music program from 2000 to 2023 (by instrument); and (2) Acceptance rate to the Bachelor of Music program for the same period (by instrument). General Full Disclosure 7 19 0
013-26-13-24 26/03/24 Individual The number of elevator outages on Memorial's St. John's campus in the 2023 calendar year. General Full Disclosure 2 9 0
002-17-339-24 25/03/24 Individual List of all public engagement sessions for 2022-23. General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
023-16-01-24 25/03/24 Individual Request for simplified data (2004 - 2024) - specifically (1) total number of Indigenous students who applied to MUN's medical program; (2) total number of Indigenous students enrolled in the first year medical class; and (3) total number of all students enrolled in the first year medical class. General Full Disclosure 1 10 0
011-20-02-24 20/03/24 Individual Content edits to the Parking Office website and all pages currently and formerly branched under it, between Dec 2023 and the date of this request, specifically related to the deletion of accessible parking information, include edits inititated by the Blundon Centre.  General Full Disclosure 21 16 0
008-22-01-24 20/03/24 Individual All information or records related to the impact of the reclassification process of the departmental SAO positions on the non-departmental SAO positions, as well as, all information or records of the reclassification process of the non-departmental SAO positions.  General Partial Disclosure 264 20 0
002-17-336-24 18/03/24 Individual Number of students accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault for the academic year 2022 / 2023. General Full Disclosure 1 15 0
002-17-335-24 14/03/24 Individual Circulation statistics for the QEII, MI, and HSC libraries for calendar years 2022 and 2023 to present, broken down by item type or category and month. General Full Disclosure 12 9 0
011-21-02-24 14/03/24 Individual Department of Gender Studies' Xerox contract. General Partial Disclosure 10 18 0
002-17-333-24 11/03/24 Individual All costs re QEII Cafe expansion. General  Partial Disclosure 5 14 0
007-11-03-24 07/03/24 Individual A copy of all communications between Memorial University and HOK, between 2014 and 2018, regarding a reduction of the initial HOK fee or reduced fees in respect of the project known as Memorial University Core Science Facility. General Nonexistent Records 0 15 0
002-17-332-24 05/03/24 Individual All emails sent / received by from June 1 2023 to March 5 2024. General Full Disclosure 2 10 0
016-26-01-24 04/03/24 Individual Any correspondence from Feb 13 2024 to Mar 4 2024 regarding the Indigenous Verification Consultations -from the Office of Indigenous Affairs, the President's Office and the Board of Regents Office.  General Partial Disclosure 86 20 0
002-17-340-24 29/02/24 Individual Number of employees terminated with cause by year, as far back as data exists.  General Partial Disclosure 1 18 0
002-17-331-24 29/02/24 Individual Partnership with the Association of New Canadians for the Newcomer Entrepreneurship Training Program. General Partial Disclosure 54 13 0
011-21-01-24 29/02/24 Individual Statistical data (no personal information) on administrative staff in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.  General Partial Disclosure 62 15 0
002-17-330-24 28/02/24 Individual Grade distributions by letter for every undergraduate, graduate class and instructor for the Fall 2023 semester. General Partial Disclosure 75 18 0
002-17-329-24 27/02/24 Individual The number of administrative positions that received a pay raise, pay cut and/or bonus (or other forms of performance incentives) for the calendar year 2023. General Full Disclosure 12 20 0
002-17-328-24 26/02/24 Individual All input received from consultations held for the president position during the time when Memorial was developing a profile to find a successor to Kachanoski. General Partial Disclosure 29 20 0
002-17-327-24 22/02/24 Individual All emails sent / received by the Information Access and Privacy Office RE Genesis Centre, C-Core, and the Centre for Fisheries Innovation from January 1 2019 to present. General Partial Disclosure 417 30 0
002-17-326-24 21/02/24 Individual All fees paid to Jennie Massey for Vianne Timmons's interview preparation/coaching/consulting.  General Nonexistent Records 0 3 0
004-13-01-24 19/02/24 Individual A comprehensive record of all costs to sustain Memorial University-Harlow Campus, from inception to the end of 2023 (or projected until the end of 2023-24 fiscal year), divided by year with a annual total and broken down by year into cost categories. General Full Disclosure 3 35 0
002-17-325-24 16/02/24 Individual First Peoples Group contract. General Partial Disclosure 2 10 0
011-19-05-24 12/02/24 Individual List of all the revenues generated by the 'Centre For Applied Technology' in the year 2023, inclusive of equipment hire, boat rentals and projects. General Full Disclosure 1 18 0
002-17-322-24 08/02/24 Individual For the academic year 2022/2023: (1) How many students were accused of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct; (2) of those students, how many were found guilty; (3) of those students, how many were a) expelled b) suspended or c) faced other disciplinary action.  General Full Disclosure 4 20 0
002-17-321-24 06/02/24 Individual All data RE student code of conduct cases from May 27 2022 to February 6 2024. General Full Disclosure 3 10 0
002-17-320-24 05/02/24 Individual Relocation expenses for Deans from January 1 2016, to present.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002-17-319-24 01/02/24 Individual The number of employees that got a pay raise, pay cut and/or bonus (or other forms of performance incentives) for the calendar year 2023. General Full Disclosure 2 17 0
022-02-01-24 31/01/24 Individual The enrollment, retention and graduation rates of Memorial University students, preferably from 2015 to date.  General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
019-32-01-24 30/01/24 Individual Records RE Applicant Personal Partial Disclosure 24 32 0
011-20-01-24 26/01/24 Business Specific Documents Requested: (1) The current pay schedule for hourly employees at Memorial University and the corresponding dates worked; (2) Any recent changes made to this pay schedule; (3) Correspondence or internal communications regarding the decision to remove the pay schedule information from the University's public domain. General Full Disclosure 2 5 0
002-17-317-24 26/01/24 Individual The number of complaints and reports of sexual assault or sexual harassment received by Campus Enforcement and Patrol and the Sexual Harassment Office on Memorial University campuses from Jan 7 2023 to Jan 26 2024. General Full Disclosure 2 35 0
002-17-316-24 19/01/24 Individual SpacesShared Contract General Partial Disclosure 6 20 0
002-17-315-24 18/01/24 Individual Kim Horwood Letter of Appointment as Investigator (2021). General Partial Disclosure 2 20 0
002-17-314-24  16/01/24  Individual A list of all those involved in the decision to impose interim measures on a student on December 3 2021. General  Nonexistent Records 0 10 0
015-01-97-24 16/01/24 Individual Protected Disclosure Annual Reports prepared to date, including the report provided by the Protected Disclosure Coordinator to the Board of Regents on October 18 2023. General Partial Disclosure 18 20 0
004-12-01-24 15/01/24 Individual Reports produced from internal and external reviews for the Discipline of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, between 2021-2023.  General Partial Disclosure 29 20 0
023-12-05-24 12/01/24 Individual All final course grades broken down by letter of all courses, by section, from the Fall 2023 semester for the Faculty of Business Administration only. General Partial Disclosure 2 20 0
002-09-26-24 11/01/24 Media A list of final grades for all undergraduate and graduate courses at Memorial University, including satellite campuses, for the Fall 2023 semester. General Partial Disclosure 75 20 0
002-17-313-24 11/01/24 Individual Associate vice-president (Indigenous Research) position description. General Full Disclosure 2 10 0
011-19-03-24  09/01/24  Individual  A list of all the revenues generated by the 'Centre For Applied Technology' in the year 2022 inclusive of equipment hire, boat rentals and projects.  General  Full Disclosure 
002-17-311-24 08/01/24 Individual All emails sent/received RE Kimberley Horwood by the Office of the President from April 1 2020 to present. General Partial Disclosure 47 20 0
008-21-01-24 09/01/24 Interest Group Information RE Memorial's Youth Foster support program. General Full Disclosure 1 20 0
002-17-310-24 04/01/24 Individual Employment Contract for the Vice-President (Administration, Finance, and Advancement). General Partial Disclosure 2 20 0
019-27-02-24 03/01/24 Individual Records RE Applicant Personal Partial Disclosure 724 40 0
022-01-01-24 03/01/24 Business Purchasing records from Memorial University - July 20 2023 to present. General Partial Disclosure 112 15 0