Appointment of Adjunct Professors

The procedure for the Appointment of Adjunct Professors at ONAE supplements Memorial University’s Procedure with the specific requirements for the Department of Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering. Normally, an adjunct professor will be appointed after a prior period with demonstrated examples of collaboration between the appointee and at least one faculty member within the Department.

The role of adjunct professors is to strengthen teaching and research within the department, through collaborative links with colleagues from other institutions. Adjunct professors are not employed by Memorial University.

The position of Adjunct Professor is normally awarded to a person with the academic qualifications and experience equivalent to a full-time faculty member. The department recognizes the potential benefits of contributions from people without such an academic background. Professional Associates can fulfil this role. The process for appointment of Professional Associates within the Department is the same as for Adjunct Professors.

Application Package

The Candidate will prepare the application package as required within Memorial’s Policy for appointment. As a minimum, this package will contain a statement of the proposed benefits from the appointment, the applicant’s CV including a list of publications, and a letter of support from the candidate’s employer.

Department Support for Nomination

The nomination package is submitted to the Head of Department. At least one member of the Department must endorse the nomination. This can be in the form of a letter or email attached to the nomination package.

Candidate’s Presentation

The candidate will present their vision remotely or in person for the appointment at a meeting of the Department. At the end of the meeting, the Head of Department will receive feedback from the rest of the department on the candidate’s suitability for the appointment. After the meeting with the department, the Head of Department will meet with the Candidate to discuss the specific role they might play in the activities of the department. This can be a combination of academic activities, such as potential course teaching, giving seminars, supervising or co-supervising graduate students, and carrying out research.

Annual Updates

Adjunct Faculty, after appointment, and/or collaborators at the Department are encouraged to provide annual updates before September 30, each year, at a meeting of the Department. The updates will highlight their collaboration and contribution to the work of the Department over the previous 12-month period, September 1 to August 31.


Appointments are for three years and are renewable. The process for renewal is the same as that for appointment.