The following list of publications, theses and other sources provides further information regarding the history of the Eastern Arctic and Greenland.
Allen, Robert C. and Ian Keay
2001 The First Great Whale Extinction: The End of the Bowhead Whale in the Eastern Arctic. Explorations in Economic History 38: 448-477.
Andrews J. T.
1988 Climatic Evolution of the Eastern Canadian Arctic and Baffin Bay During the Past Three Million Years. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 318 (1191): 645-660.
Arundale, Wendy Hanford
1981 Radiocarbon Dating in Eastern Arctic Archaeology: A Flexible Approach. American Antiquity 48(2): 244-268.
Barlow L. K.
2001 The Time Period A.D. 1400-1980 in Central Greenland Ice Cores in Relation to the North Atlantic Sector. Climatic Change 48: 101-119.
Barry R.G., W.H. Arundale, J.T Andrews., R.S Bradley and H. Nichols
1977 Environmental Change and Cultural Change in the Eastern Canadian Arctic During the last 5000 years. Arctic and Alpine Research 9(2): 193-210.
Cormier, Catherine
2004 In the Name of Science, Entertainment and Empire: British Stereotypes of Eastern Arctic Inuit from the Sixteenth Century to the Nineteenth Century. M.A. Thesis, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ont.
Cranz, D.
1820 The History of Greenland, Including an Account of the Mission Carried on by the Brethren in that Country. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, London.
Dawson, Peter Colin
Variability in Traditional and Non-traditional Inuit Architecture, AD. 1000 to Present. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary.
Egede, H.
1818 A Description of Greenland. T. and J. Allman, London.
Farid, Emma Louise
2000 A Multivariate Spatial Analysis of a Thule Dwelling from Assuukaaq Island, Northern Quebec. M.A. Thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary.
Fitzhugh William W.
1997 Biogeographical Archaeology in the Eastern North American Arctic. Human Ecology 25(3): 385-418.
Fitzhugh, William W., Stephen Loring, and Daniel Odess (editors)
2002 Honoring Our Elders: The History of Eastern Arctic Archaeology. Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology Number 2. Arctic Studies Centre, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
Gullason, Lynda
1999 Engendering Interaction: Inuit-European Contact in Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island. Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Montreal.
Gulløv, H.C.
1997 From Middle Ages to Colonial Times: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Studies of the Thule Culture in South West Greenland 1300-1800 AD. Meddelelser om Grønland, Man and Society 23, Copenhagen.
Gulløv, H.C.
1979 Haabetz Colonie 1721-1728: A Historical-Archaeological Investigation of the Danish-Norwegian Colonization of Greenland. National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen.
Henshaw, A. S.
2000 Central Inuit household economies: Zooarchaeological, environmental, and historical evidence from outer Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, Canada. Bar International Series 871, Oxford, England.
Henshaw, Anne Stevens
1995 Central Inuit Household Economies: Zooarchaeological, Environmental, and Historical Evidence from Outer Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, Canada. Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge.
Ishiguro, Laura Mitsuyo
2008 Discourses And Practices of Isolation in the Implementation of Health Care in Ste. Therese's Hospital, Chesterfield Inlet, 1929--1958. M.A. Thesis, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.
Johansen, Trine Bjorneboe
2012 A Zooarchaeological and Ethnographic Investigation of Subsistence Change through Time at Iita, Northwest Greenland. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Davis.
Kroes, Genevieve
1998 "The Esquimaux seem to be dying off very fast": Etude ethnohistorique des maladies a Fort Chimo, district d'Ungava (1866 a 1903). M.A. Thesis, Université Laval, Quebec City.
Labreche, Yves
2005 Appropriation et conservation des ressources alimentaires chez les Inuit de Kangiqsujuaq-Salluit, Quebec arctique: perspective ethnoarcheologique. Ph.D. Thesis, Université de Montréal, Montreal.
Laugrand, Frederic
1997 Siqqitiqpuq: Conversion et reception du christianisme par les Inuit de l'Arctique de l'Est canadien (1890--1940). Ph.D. Thesis, Université Laval, Quebec City.
Maxwell, M.S.
1985 Prehistory of the Eastern Arctic. Academic Press, Orlando.
McCullough, Karen M.
1989 The Ruin Islanders: Thule culture pioneers in the Eastern High Arctic. Archaeological Survey of Canada Mercury Series Paper No. 141, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull.
McAleese, Kevin
1991 The Archaeology of a Late 18th Century Sealing Post in Southern Labrador George Cartwright's 'Stage Cove'. M.A. Thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's.
Meldgaard, Morten
2004 Ancient harp seal hunters of Disko Bay: Subsistence and Settlement at the Saqqaq Culture Site Qeqertasussuk (2400-1400 BC), West Greenland. Danish Polar Center, Copenhagen. Man & Society Vol. 30.
Newman, Sherry Elizabeth
1998 "By One Attached to...But Not Of": Historical Photography of the Eastern Arctic By Luta Munday And Geraldine Moodie. M.A. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
Ouellette, Nathalie
2000 "Tuurngait" et chamanes inuit dans le Nunavik occidental contemporain. M.A. Thesis, Université Laval, Quebec City.
Savelle, James M.
2002 The Umialiit-Kariyit Whaling Complex and Prehistoric Thule Eskimo Social Relations in the Eastern Canadian Arctic. Bulletin of National Museum of Ethnology 27(1): 159-188.
Schneider, L.
1985 Ulirnaisigutiit: An Inuktitut-English Dictionary of Northern Quebec, Labrador and Eastern Arctic Dialects. La Presse de l'Universite Laval, Quebec.
Scott, Colin (editor)
2001 Aboriginal Autonomy and Development in Northern Quebec and Labrador. UBC Press, Vancouver.
Searles, Edmund Quincy Sewall
1998 From Town to Outpost camp: Symbolism and Social Action in the Canadian Eastern Arctic. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle.
Smith, Jennifer S., Trevor Bell & Lisa Rankin
2003 Quaternary Geology and Landscape Change, Porcupine Strand, Labrador. In Current Research (2003) Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy Geological Survey, Report 03-1, pp. 293-305.
Sørensen, Mikkel and H.C. Gulløv
2012 The Prehistory of Inuit in Northeast Greenland. Arctic Anthropology 49(1): 88-104.
Speiss, Arthur
1993 Caribou, Walrus and Seals: Maritime Archaic Subsistence in Labrador and Newfoundland. In Archaeology of Eastern North America: Papers in Honour of Stephen Williams, James B. Stoltman ed., pp. 73-100. Archaeological Report No. 25, Department of Archives and History, Mississippi.
Spink, J., and D.W. Moodie
1972 Eskimo Maps from the Canadian Eastern Arctic. Monograph No. 5, Cartographica, Department of Geography, York University, Toronto.
Stopp, Marianne P.
2002 Ethnohistoric analogues for storage as an adaptive strategy in northeastern subarctic prehistory. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 21(3): 301-328.
Tester, F., and P. Kulchyski
1994 Tammarniit (Mistakes): Inuit Relocations in the Eastern Arctic, 1939-63. UBC Press, Vancouver.
Whitridge, Peter
2006 Eskimo Architecture: Dwelling and Structure in the Early Historic Period. Arctic 59 (2): 230-231.
Whitridge, Peter
2004 Landscapes, Houses, Bodies, Things: "Place" and the Archaeology of Inuit Imaginaries. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 11(2): 213-250.
Whitridge, Peter
2002 Social and ritual determinants of whale bone transport at a classic Thule winter site in the Canadian Arctic. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 12(1): 65-75.
Whitridge, Peter
1999 The Construction of Social Difference in a Prehistoric Inuit Whaling Community. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University.