Reports and Presentations
Recent Reports
New research from the Harris Centre. A full archive of reports is available below.
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October 2024 | UArctic, Harris Centre
Webinar designed for researchers, institutions, and organizations who collaborate with Northern communities and Indigenous peoples. Featured panelists Sylvia Moore, Andrew Arreak, and Rebecca Major who offered guidance on honouring Indigenous perspectives and ways of working in research and co-created projects.
Indigenous, Research, Research Methods, Community-Engaged Research

March 2024 | Econext, ClimAtlantic, Harris Centre
Report on climate change impacts and adaptation strategies in Newfoundland, based on regional workshops held with community members and stakeholders in 2023.
Climate change, Adaptation, Regional development, Community forum, Community engagement, Coastal, Sustainability

February 2024 | Tony Fang, Jane Zhu, Graham King
Report on improving labour force participation and labour market outcomes of under-represented groups in the Newfoundland and Labrador natural resources sector.
Labour force, Economic development, Natural resources, Diversity

January 2024 | Harris Centre, Municipalities NL, NL Association of Community Business Development Corporations (CBDC), Community Sector Council of NL
Summary report of the 2023 Regional Economic Development (RED) Workshop, focusing on advancing regional economic development in Newfoundland and Labrador. This is designed to provide concrete steps to advance long-term regional economic planning and action in the province.
Regional development, Economic development, Community forum, Rural sustainability, Aging population

December 2023 | Lisa Goulet, Sheila Downer
Memorial University's Annual Report on our engagement with UArctic in 2023, highlighting programs and initiatives related to Arctic research and education, including the Climate Collective, Arctic research networks, and research exchanges.
UArctic, Arctic, Northern communities, Student engagement, Climate change, Memorial University, International

May 2023 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Report analyzing Memorial University’s contribution to the economic development of Newfoundland and Labrador, specifically focusing on the university’s contributions to the provincial ocean economy. Memorial’s regional impact through public engagement, entrepreneurship, networks, and other programs are also discussed.
Regional development, Ocean economy, Memorial University, Public policy, International, University-Industry collaboration
The Population Project
Newfoundland and Labrador has the most rapidly aging population in the country – combined with youth out-migration, declining birth rates, and an increasing number of people moving from rural parts of the province to more urban centres, the province is facing an unprecedented population challenge. Planning for this change and developing strategies to adjust and adapt to the change is paramount. The Harris Centre’s Population Project drew on expertise from both inside and outside the university to explore the implications of the demographic changes projected for the next 20 years. The research reports generated and public discussion of them are intended to help inform and contribute to government policy as well as to strategies that private and non-profit sectors will need to develop to respond to the broad range of issues related to health, governance, transportation, housing, etc., resulting from the population shift. The Labrador portion of the Population Project has been generously supported by the International Grenfell Association.
"Regional Population Projections for Newfoundland and Labrador 2016-2023," by Alvin Simms and Jamie Ward (2017)
Related Reports:
- Attracting and Retaining Professionals in Labrador, Delores V. Mullings, Paul Banahene Adjei, Lesley A. Derraugh, and Leo Taho.
- Municipal-Level Service Delivery in Labrador, Tony Fang, Kerri Neil, Halina Sapeha, Petr Kocourek, Troy Osmond, and Yanfen Ally Li.
- The Temporary Foreign Worker Program and Employers in Labrador, Tony Fang, Halina Sapeha, Kerri Neil, Gabriel Williams, Opeyemi Januty-Aidamenbor and Troy Osmond
- Regional Population Projections for Labrador and the Northern Peninsula 2016-20, Alvin Simms and Jamie Ward, RAnLab, Memorial University *Please note, a correction has been made to Figure 1.0 on pages 5 and 12. The currently posted version reflects these corrections.
- Predicting Health Human Resource Needs for an Evolving Population in the Labrad, Alvin Simms, Jamie Ward, Kris Aubrey-Bassler and Olivia Cleary
- Housing Demand and Supply in Central Labrador, Stephen Jewczyk
- Demographic Change and Regionalization of Public Services, Pat Curran
- Succession Planning for Small and Medium-sized Business in Labrador and the Nor, Dave Lough
Lights, Camera, Grow: Documenting a community’s response to food insecurity in Southwestern Newfoundland and Labrador | July 2023
Paul De Decker
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Watch the presentation
Food systems, Art, Community engagement, Rural communities, Sustainability
Regionalizing the sustainable development goals: interpretations of priorities and key actors for creating sustainable island futures | June 2023
Mark Stoddart, Yixi Yang, Cole Atlin
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Sustainability, Economic development, Local governance, Rural sustainability
Culture, Nature, & History: Identifying Sustainable Tourism Opportunities for the Burin Peninsula | February 2023
Simone Cominelli, Marie Louise Aastrup
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Sustainability, Economic development, Tourism, Rural communities, Cultural heritage
Source Communities and Inter-Provincial Employment in Atlantic Canada: Examining Economic Dependencies on Employment-Related Geographical Mobility (E-RGM) in Parker’s Cove, NL and New Waterford, NS | November 2022
L Butters, H Hall, K Vodden, D Lionais, S Burns, R Kanyangarara, M Sanchez, J Lawlor
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Labour force, Rural sustainability, E-RGM, Economic development, Natural resources, Mobile work
Building resilient coastal communities through social enterprises | November 2022
Mary Louise Aastrup, Joan Cranston, Natalie Slawinski
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Social enterprise, Economic development, Rural sustainability
Younger Adults’ Attitudes towards Older Adults: Does Growing up in a Rural Community Matter? | November 2022
Leslie Cake, Daniel Nadolny, Roshayne Mendis, Benjamin Zendel, Veronica Hutchings
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Aging population, Inter-generational attitudes, Rural communities
Strategies for NL's Shrinking Workforce Regional Approaches for Regional Impacts | October 2022
David Freshwater, Jamie Ward
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Read the summary
Aging population, Labour force, Local governance, Economic development, Regionalization
Consilient Technologies and the Newfoundland and Labrador Advanced Technology Sector: The Seeding of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem | September 2022
Blair Winsor, Colin Mason, Jacqueline Bartlett
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Tech sector, Economic development, IT, Entrepreneurship, Labour force
Sustainable production of engineered soils from local materials: A formulation, evaluation, and re-purposing of engineered soils | September 2022
Adrian Unc, Amana Kedir
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Agriculture, Sustainability, Economic development, Food systems, Waste management
Community-Based Sustainable and Equitable Employment in Aquaculture on the Burin Peninsula | June 2022
Christine Knott, Maria Andrée López Gómez
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Aquaculture, Labour force, Economic development, Rural communities
Organics Waste to Value Forum: What We Heard | June 2022
Chris Paterson
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Natural resources, Waste management, Sustainability, Community forum, Rural communities, Aquaculture, Entrepreneurship
The State of Innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador and the Role of Memorial University within the Regional Innovation System | June 2022
Scott McKnight
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Labour force, Entrepreneurship, Memorial University, Economic development, Natural resources, Ocean Economy
Efficient and Economic Storage of Salmon Processing Waste as a Prospective Source for High Value Products | March 2022
Deepika Dave
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Natural resources, Waste management, Sustainability, Rural communities, Aquaculture, Entrepreneurship
Recycling Solutions for End-of-Life Fishing Rope in Newfoundland | March 2022
Leslie James
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Natural resources, Waste management, Sustainability, Rural communities, Aquaculture, Plastic pollution
Organic Waste Management in NL: Exploring Opportunities in Management and Utilization | February 2022
Laura McCardle
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Natural resources, Waste management, Sustainability, Rural communities, Aquaculture, Entrepreneurship
Protecting Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Production from Climate-Related Challenges Through Diet Manipulation | August 2021
Eric Ignatz
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Aquaculture, Climate change, Natural resources, Sustainability
Employer Attitudes towards Hiring Newcomers and International Students in the Atlantic Provinces | April 2021
Tony Fang, Jane Zhu, Alex David Wells
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Read the summary
Immigration, Labour force, Atlantic Canada, Aging population, Diversity, Sustainability, Memorial University, Economic development
Immigration in Newfoundland and Labrador: How it works, how it worked, and how it might work | April 2021
Michael Clair
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Immigration, Aging population, Labour force, Policy recommendations, Diversity, Sustainability, Economic development
Sustainable Island Futures Project
Sustainable Island Futures was a 3-year project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) that brought research teams from 12 islands (6 independent nations, 6 sub-national jurisdictions) together to investigate the relationship between sovereignty and sustainability - environmental, economic, political, and cultural. You can learn more about the overall project from the Prince Edward Island research team's project site. Reports and presentations created by Newfoundland's research team are available below:
Governance in Times of Crisis: The Muskrat Falls Case | April 2021
Cole Atlin, Mark Stoddart
Read the report
Indigenous, Economic development, Policy recommendations, Megaprojects
Memorial Presents: Icelandic Banking Sector Collapse vs. Muskrat Falls | April 2021
Watch the presentation
Economic development, International
Financial crisis, governance and sustainable island futures: comparing Iceland and Newfoundland and Labrador | November 2021
Cole Atlin, Ásthildur Elva Bernharðsdóttir, Mark Stoddart
Read the report
Economic development, Local governance, Sustainability, International
Comparing Small Island States and Subnational Island Jurisdictions: Towards Sustainable Island Futures | November 2021
Yixi Yang, Mark Stoddart
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Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals, Local governance, Economic development, International, Cultural heritage
Northern Coalition Project
The Northern Coalition is a non-profit group of six enterprises based in Canada’s Eastern Arctic and coastal Labrador established to provide a common voice on Northern fisheries issues & access. Its members have widely different origins, mandates & structures, but a common purpose is the reinvestment of the profits from their fisheries in their communities & regions. The report explores how profits from their offshore shrimp & Greenland halibut fisheries have been used to diversify adjacent coastal regions for long-term economic & social sustainability.
Reinvesting Fishery Rents for Economic and Social Development: A Case Study of the Northern Coalition | April 2021
Keith Storey, Meghan Eibner
Read the backgrounder
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Read the summary
Watch the presentation
Indigenous, Arctic studies, Aquaculture, Unions, Regionalization, Economic development, Social Enterprises, Sustainability
Baccalieu Trail Traditional Knowledge Inventory | September 2020
Katie Crane, Dale Gilbert Jarvis, Holly Everett
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Cultural heritage, Food systems, Indigenous, Rural communities, Sustainability
Exploring a Regional Approach to Drinking Water Management in The Strait of Belle Isle, Newfoundland and Labrador | April 2020
Kelly Vodden, Vincent Kuuteryiri Chireh
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Drinking water, Local governance, Regionalization, Rural communities
Generation of a Business Model to Help Address Food and Nutrition Security in the Baie Verte Peninsula | March 2020
Carlos Bazan, Bennett Newhook, Hannah Gaultois
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Food systems, Sustainability, Rural communities, Entrepreneurship, Economic development
A Biorefinery Approach for Sustainable Utilization of Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry’s Waste Resources | December 2019
Deepika Dave
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Waste management, Aquaculture, Sustainability, Natural resources
Granulation of Powdered Activated Carbon Generated from Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Mill Ash Waste | November 2019
Tahir Husain, Afsoon Taghizadehgan
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Waste management, Natural resources, Sustainability, Paper mill
Summary of the Public Consultation Sessions Regarding the Muskrat Falls Project | September 2019
Michael Clair
Read the report
Public forum, Indigenous, Megaproject, Local governance, Democracy
Improved Safety and Value for Paper Pulp Waste Associated with Bottle Cleaning | August 2019
Christina Bottaro, David Hopkins, Soraya Moore, Kelly Hawboldt
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Waste management, Sustainability, Paper mill, Economic development
Impacts of CETA on Sustainability of Northern Tip Coastal Communities | July 2019
Jack Daly, Ratana Chuenpagdee
Read the report
Arctic studies, Aquaculture, Sustainability, International, Community engagement, Economic development
Demographics as destiny? Regionalization, population, and productivity in NL | June 2019
Rob Greenwood, Alvin Simms, Jamie Ward
Read the report
Aging population, Labour force, Regionalization, Economic development, Population projections, Aquaculture
Application of Waste Cooking Oil in Construction of Asphalt Pavement | June 2019
Kamal Hossain, Rayhan Ahmed
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Waste management, Infrastructure, Sustainability, Road maintenance, Food systems
Vison-Based Pay-As-You-Throw System: Motion Detection for Garbage and Recycle Based on Faster RCNN | February 2019
Songyuan Ji, Minglun Gong
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Waste management, Local governance, Tech sector
Restoring and retelling the story of Grenfell Gardens | January 2019
Gregory Wood, Jose Lam
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Food systems, Cultural heritage
Dowsing for Knowledge: Probing the Depth of Arsenic Awareness in Rural Newfoundland to Effect Change in Policy and Health Outcomes | December 2018
Daniel Hewitt, Wendy Graham, Shabnam Asghari, Cameron MacLellan, Thomas Heeley
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Drinking water, Rural communities, Well water, Local governance, Public health
Storytelling through Shadow Puppetry on the Southwest Coast | November 2018
Jamie Skidmore
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Cultural heritage, Rural communities, Folklore, Art, Tourism
Pyrolysis of waste plastic fish bags (polyethylene and polypropylene) to useable fuel oil | May 2018
Shofiur Rahman, Kelly Hawboldt, Robert Helleur, Stephanie MacQuarrie
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Waste management, Heating, Aquaculture, Sustainability, Rural communities
An Update on the 2004 Pre-Feasibility Study for a Fixed Link Between Labrador and the Island of Newfoundland | March 2018
Michael Clair
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Transit, Infrastructure, Regionalization, Arctic studies
Mapping Knowledge Seeking in the St. John’s and Corner Brook Entrepreneurial Ecosystems | March 2018
Blair Winsor, Ken Carter
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Entrepreneurship, Economic development, Memorial university, Tech sector
Solid-Liquid Separation of Waste Petroleum Drilling Mud in Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador | March 2018
Hesam Hassan Nejad
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Waste management, Pollution, Energy, Sustainability
Retention & Integration of Refugees in Newfoundland and Labrador | February 2018
Tony Fang, Halina Sapeha, Kerri Neil, Opeyemi Jaunty-Aidamenbor, Donny Persaud, Petr Kocourek, Troy Osmond
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Immigration, Labour force, Economic development, Diversity, Policy recommendations
Regional Tourism Networks and Social-Environmental Wellbeing in Rural Coastal Communities | October 2017
Mark Stoddart, Gary Catano, Howard Ramos, Kelly Vodden, Brennan Lowery, Leanna Butters
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Tourism, Regionalization, Economic Development, Rural communities, Cultural heritage
Low-Cost Adsorbent for Arsenic Removal from Rural Water Supply Systems in Newfoundland and Labrador | October 2017
Javid Shadbahr, He Zhang, Tahir Husain
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Drinking water, Rural communities, Public health, Paper mill, Waste management
Asking the Big Questions: Reflections on a Sustainable Post Oil-dependent Newfoundland and Labrador | October 2017
Rosemary Ommer, Barbara Neis, David Brake
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Climate change, Energy, Petroculture, Sustainability, Natural resources, Economic development, Immigration, Aquaculture, Divestment
Applying Biochar to Reduce Leachate Toxicity and Greenhouse Gas Production in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) | September 2017
Joinal Abedin
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Waste management, Climate change, Mitigation, Local governance
Populism, Energy Walls, and Executive Domination | August 2017
Stephen Tomblin
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Democracy, Knowledge translation, Public engagement, Energy policy, Infrastructure, Quebec
Rig Your Fit-Out: An Environmental Scan of Food Policy Levers for the City-Region of St. John’s | July 2017
Catherine Mah, Nathan Taylor, Stephanie Pomeroy, Rebecca Hasdell
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Food systems, Local governance, Entrepreneurship, Public health, Policy recommendations, Community engagement
Shrimp Allocation Policies and Regionalization Under Conditions of Environmental Change: Insights for Nunatsiavutimmuit | May 2017
Paul Foley, Charles Mather, Robyn Morris, Jamie Snook
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Aquaculture, Indigenous, Arctic studies, Regionalization, Economic development, Policy recommendation
Affordable Water Filtration Technology for Small Rural Communities | May 2017
He Zhang, Hoda Tafvizi, Tahir Husain, Yuan Chen
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Drinking water, Rural communities, Public health, Local governance
Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Mill Waste Management | March 2017
He Zhang, Tahir Husain, Yuan Chen
Read the report
Drinking water, Rural communities, Waste management, Paper mill, Sustainability
The Manifestations of Prejudice in Everyday Life: An Examination of Racial Microaggressions, Ethnophaulisms, and Integrated Threats as Observed by White Post-Secondary Youth in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador | May 2017
James Baker
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Social sciences, Syria, Refugees, Immigration, Diversity
Composting of Municipal Sludge - Riverhead Wastewater Treatment Facility | February 2017
Jingjing Ling, He Zhang, Tahir Husain, Zhiwen Zhu, Khoshrooz Kazemi
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Waste management, Drinking water, Local governance, Sustainability
Testing Domestic Rainwater Harvesting as a Measure to Improve Drinking Water Access in a Remote Water-Insecure Community: A Case Study of Black Tickle – Domino, Labrador | January 2017
Maura Hanrahan, Nick Mercer
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Drinking water, Indigenous, Public health, Rural communities, Arctic studies
Organic Waste in Newfoundland and Labrador: A review of available agriculture, fishery, forestry and municipal waste literature | January 2017
Lesley Butler, Daniel Altdorff, Erika Young, Lakshman Galagedara, Kelly Hawboldt, Robert Helleur, Adrian Unc
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Waste management, Natural resources, Aquaculture, Forestry, Agriculture, Local governance
Salmon Processing Waste: A Prospective Source for Nutraceuticals | November 2016
Deepika Dave
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Waste management, Aquaculture, Sustainability, Natural resources, Economic development
The Lifelong Impacts of Adverse Experiences in the Early Years | August 2016
Taylor Stocks
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Childhood development, Social sciences, Youth, ACEs, Community engagement
A framework for better understanding drinking-water quality in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador: Implications for optimization and protection of municipally supplied water | August 2016
Merline Fonkwe
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Drinking water, Indigenous, Local governance, Public health, Arctic studies, Rural communities
Government and Community Responses to Drinking Water Challenges and Crises in Rural Newfoundland and Labrador | July 2016
Maura Hanrahan, Benjamin Dosu Jr, Sarah Minnes
Read the report
Drinking water, Rural communities, Arctic studies, Indigenous, Public health, Local governance
Regional Population Projections for Labrador and the Northern Peninsula 2016-2036 | March 2016
Alvin Simms, Jamie Ward
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Population projections, Arctic studies, Labour force, Local governance, Aging population
Safe Drinking Water Supply for Small & Rural Communities in NL with a Case Study of Pouch Cove | April 2016
Jingjing Ling, He Zhang, Tahir Husain
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Drinking water, Local governance, Public health, Rural communities
Documenting spatial and temporal variations of subsurface contaminants using tree cores: Implications for the design of effective waste management strategies | January 2016
Merline Fonkwe
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Waste management, Pollution, Landfills, Local governance
A Study to Characterize and Source Hydrocarbon Contamination of Sediments and Scallops in the Port Au Port Bay, NL | December 2015
Penny Morrill, Melissa Cook
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Aquaculture, Pollution, Policy recommendations Online and on-ocean crowdsourcing for adaptive fisheries management | December 2015
Yolanda Wiersma, Matt McWilliams with the Fishermen and Fisherwomen of Fogo Island
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Citizen science, Aquaculture, Sustainability, Cultural heritage, Community engagement
A Study on Food Security among Single Parents and Elderly Population in St. John’s | December 2015
Atanu Sarkar, Martha Traverso-Yepez, Veeresh Gadag, Kelly Hunter
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Food systems, Aging population, Regionalization, Economic development, Community engagement
Sunnyside Drinking Water Project: Examining Chlorinated Disinfectant By-product | December 2015
Jen Daniels, Kelly Vodden
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Drinking water, Local governance, Waste management, Public health, Public forum, Policy recommendations
MUN (St John’s Campus) Composting Pilot Project | November 2015
Madonna Bishop
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Waste management, Compost, Memorial University, Sustainability
Forum Summary Report: Can Fracking be Done in a Sustainable Way? | November 2015
Mike Clair
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Energy, Fossil fuels, Public forum, Community engagement
A Regional Approach to Drinking Water Management: NL-BC Comparative Water Systems Study | May 2015
Sarah-Patricia Breen, Sarah Minnes
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Drinking water, Regionalization, Policy recommendations, Local governance, Public health
Atlantic Provinces Transportation Forum 2015 | May 2015
Mike Clair
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Public forum, Community engagement, Transit, Infrastructure, Atlantic Canada, Regionalization, Economic development
Use of Blue-Green Algae to Improve the Chemical Quality of Municipal Solid Waste | April 2015
Yujio Wang, Tahir Husain
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Waste management, Compost, Local governance, Aquaculture, Sustainability
Exploring Appropriate Business Models for Establishment of Water Quality Monitoring Service in Newfoundland and Labrador | August 2015
Atanu Sarkar, Tom Cooper, Kalen Thomson, Arifur Rahman
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Drinking water, Entrepreneurship, Waste management, Public health
Mitigating Spatial Interference in a Scalable Robot Recycling System | August 2015
Andrew Vardy
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Waste management, Recycling, Tech sector, Local governance, Rural communities
Solid waste spent catalyst’s metal recovery from North Atlantic Refinery’s petrochemical plant in Come By Chance, Newfoundland and Labrador | August 2015
Shirin Shafiei Zadeh, Paris Georghiou, Hesam Hassan Nejad
Read the report
Waste management, Fossil fuels
Song and Story Traditions of the Loggers of Newfoundland and Labrador | July 2015
Ursula Kelly
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Cultural heritage, Logging, Natural resources, Folklore, Music
Development of Predictive Models for Disinfectant By-products and Filtration Technology Assessments in Small Community Water Supply Systems | April 2015
Masood Ahmad, Tahir Husain
Read the report
Drinking water, Local governance, Public health, Rural communities, Sustainability
Potential for Using Biochar to Improve Soil Fertility and Increase Crop Productivity in the Sandy Soils of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL | April 2015
Joinal Abedin
Read the report
Agriculture, Sustainability, Food systems
Water quality in Aboriginal communities in Labrador: A study of the Southern Inuit Community of Black Tickle | April 2015
Atanu Sarkar, Maura Hanrahan
Read the report
Indigenous, Drinking water, Arctic studies, Rural communities, Public health, Community engagement
Use of activated carbon from oily fly ash to remove disinfectant by-products from drinking water supply systems in small communities | March 2015
Masood Ahmad, Tahir Husain
Read the report
Drinking water, Waste management, Local governance, Public health, Rural communities, Policy recommendations
Potentials for Public Engagement in Source Water Protection in Newfoundland and Labrador | February 2015
Sarah Minnes
Read the report
Democracy, Citizen engagement, Drinking water, Public health, Local governance, Community engagement, Rural communities
The Association of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Drinking Water Contamination in NL | February 2015
Alex Comeau
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Drinking water, Public health, Rural communities, Policy recommendations
Profiling Regional Watershed Management on the Northeast Avalon: Integrating Practices for Drinking Water Quality | January 2015
Evan Edinger, Luise Hermanutz
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Drinking water, Local governance, Public health, Rural communities, Sustainability
The ethnobotany and medicinal properties of rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) in Labrador and potential applications in community-based nutraceutical marketing enterprises | December 2014
Vanessa Mardones, Luise Hermanutz, Alain Cuerrier
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Indigenous, Arctic studies, Cultural heritage, Community engagement, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship
Composition and decomposition of atmospheric reactive nitrogen to boreal forest sites along the Newfoundland and Labrador Boreal Ecosystem Latitudinal Transect (NL-BELT) | December 2014
Trevor VandenBoer
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Climate change, Forestry, Arctic studies
Quebec Lower North Shore-Labrador Straits Regional Collaboration Workshop | November 2014
Réseau de développement économique et d’employabilité de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, The Harris Centre
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Public engagement, Economic development, Regionalization, Transit
Exploring Solutions for Sustainable Rural Drinking Water Systems: a study of rural Newfoundland and Labrador Drinking Water Systems | October 2014
Sarah Minnes, Kelly Vodden
Read the report
Drinking water, Rural communities, Indigenous, Public health, Sustainability
The Intangible Impacts of Tourism: The Battle Harbour National Historic District | October 2014
Mark Stoddart, Howard Ramos, David Chafe
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Tourism, Cultural heritage, Economic development, Rural communities, Community engagement
Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve UNESCO World Heritage designation: Pathways to engage people in the decision-making process | July 2014
Alistair Bath, Beatrice Frank
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Cultural heritage, Democracy, Community engagement, Economic development, Tourism
Sorting Recyclable Materials by a Robotic Swarm | June 2014
Andrew Vardy
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Waste management, Recycling, Tech sector, Rural communities, Sustainability
Myth and Reality in Eastern Canada-Northeastern U.S. Regionalism | May 2014
Stephen Tomblin
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Regionalization, Local governance, Rural communities
Fishing Policies and Island Community Development | March 2014
Emily Thomas, Kelly Vodden, Ratana Chuenpagdee, Maureen Woodrow
Read the report
Aquaculture, Sustainability, Economic development, Community engagement
The Potential for Fish Processing Wastes for Biodiesel Production | March 2014
Deepika Dave, Heather Manuel
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Aquaculture, Waste management, Sustainability, Transit
An Environmental Scan of Factors Relevant for Sustainable Food Production in NL | March 2014
Emily Doyle
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Food systems, Public health, Agriculture, Entrepreneurship
Training and Development for a Successful Tourism Industry in Newfoundland: A Literature Review | March 2014
Bronwyn L. Cass
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Tourism, Rural communities, Economic development
Developing a community-based monitoring program for drinking water supplies in the Indian Bay Watershed: A baseline study of surface water quality, contamination sources and resident practices and perceptions | March 2014
Stephen Holisko, David Speed, Kelly Vodden, Atanu Sarkar
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Drinking water, Public health, Rural communities, Community engagement
Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for Advancing Innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador | February 2014
Heather Hall, Jacqueline Walsh, Kelly Vodden, Rob Greenwood
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Economic development, Entrepreneurship, Regionalization, Community engagement, Local governance
The Benefits And Sustainability Of School Gardens: A Case Study Of St. Francis School Greenhouse (Harbour Grace, NL) | February 2014
Emily Doyle
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Food systems, Schools, Sustainability, Public health, Rural communities, Agriculture
Canadian Regional Development- A Critical Review of Theory, Practice, and Potentials: A Case Study of the Kittiwake Economic Zone, Newfoundland and Labrador | February 2014
Jennifer Daniels, Kelly Vodden, Sarah Minnes, Sarah Breen
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Economic development, Regionalization, Rural communities, Local governance, Aging population, Entrepreneurship
Functional Regions Project 2014: Local Labour Markets as a New Way of Organizing Policies for Stronger Regional Economic Development in Atlantic Canada | January 2014
David Freshwater, Alvin Simms, Jamie Ward
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Labour force, Regionalization, Economic development, Rural communities, Policy recommendations
Development of Advanced Composting Technologies for Municipal Organic Waste Treatment in Small Communities in Newfoundland and Labrador | December 2013
Baiyu Zhang, Leonard Lye, Khoshrooz Kazemi, Weiyun Lin
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Waste management, Compost, Sustainability, Rural communities, Local governance
The STAGE Project | September 2013
Denyse Lynde, Rob Ormsby, Colleen Quigley, Tom Halford
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Cultural heritage, Performing arts, Community engagement, Folklore
Fisheries allocation policies and regional development: Successes from the Newfoundland and Labrador Shrimp Fishery | September 2013
Paul Foley, Charles Mather, Barbara Neis
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Aquaculture, Policy, Regionalization, Sustainability, Economic development
Building an Inclusive Society: Youth and Teacher Perspectives on Immigration, Multiculturalism and Racism in Newfoundland and Labrador | August 2013
Amanda Bittner, James Baker
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Social sciences, Refugees, Immigration, Diversity
Evaluation of the Leslie Harris Centre Funding Programs: Impacts and Outcomes | July 2013
Meghan Mahoney
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Progress report, Impact report, Memorial University
Philanthropy as a Vehicle for Regional Development | June 2013
Ryan Gibson, Joshua Barrett, Stephen Parmiter
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Sustainability, Economic development, Regionalization, Rural communities
Understanding Regional Governance in Newfoundland and Labrador: A Survey of Regional Development Organizations | May 2013
Kelly Vodden, Heather Hall, David Freshwater
Read the report
Regionalization, Labour force, Economic development, Natural resources, Community engagement
Networks for Business Innovation in Corner Brook, NL | April 2013
Jose Lam, Ken Carter, Louise McGillis, Candice Pike, Marion McCahon, Kelly Vodden
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Economic development, Natural resources, Entrepreneurship
Enabling a Wildlife-Roadway Collision Warning and Mitigation System using Wireless Sensor Networking Technologies | March 2013
C. Li, R. Venkatesan
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Transit, Tech sector, Public health, Road safety
The Development of the Francophone/Bilingual Community of the Labrador West Region | March 2013
Mike Clair, Tom Cooper, Heather Hall
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Arctic studies, Cultural heritage, Social sciences Francophone
The James Robert Andersen Archive: A Contribution to the Development and Practice of the Cultural and Political Economies of Nunatsiavut, NL | December 2012
Mark David Turner and Tom Gordon, School of Music
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Performing arts, Indigenous, Folklore, Cultural heritage, Community engagement
Pilot-Scale Demonstration of Biosurfactant-Enhanced In- Situ Bioremediation of a Contaminated Site in Newfoundland and Labrador | December 2012
Baiyu Zhang, Zhiwen Zhu, Liang Jing, Qinhong Cai, Zelin Li
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Arctic studies, Fossil fuels, Pollution
Arsenic Removal by Sand Filtration for Potable Water in Newfoundland | August 2012
Danial Bin Rohail, Cynthia Coles
Read the reportDrinking water, Public health, Rural communities
Closing the Loop on Lignocellulosic -based Solid Waste Management: Production of Biochar for Agricultural Land and Contaminant Adsorption Applications and for Climate Change | December 2012
Robert Helleur, Travis Dalley, Perry Mitchell
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Climate change, Waste management, Agriculture
Experiments in Rural Development and Ecosystem-Based Management: The Possibilities of Community Forestry in Newfoundland | August 2012
Erin Kelly
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Forestry, Sustainability, Natural resources, Rural communities, Economic development
A Study of Groundwater Quality of Private Wells in Western Newfoundland Communities | August 2012
Atanu Sarkar, Mano Krishnapillai, James Valcour
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Drinking water, Public health, Rural communities
From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards Future Strategies and a Decision Support Framework for Oil Spill Preparedness and Response in Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador | July 2012
Bing Chen, Baiyu Zhang Pu Li, Qionghong Cai, Weiyun Lin, Bo Liu
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Fossil fuels, Pollution, Disaster response
Fostering Sustainable Food Systems in Newfoundland: A Case Study of the West Coast Farmer’s Market | June 2012
Katie Temple, Angela Carter
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Food systems, Sustainability, Climate change, Agriculture, Rural communities
Waste Audit 2011-2012, St. John's Campus | June 2012
Toby Rowe
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Waste management, Memorial University, Sustainability
Building Agricultural Capacity in Newfoundland and Labrador | May 2012
A. James Quinlan
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Agriculture, Food systems, Rural communities, Economic development, Local governance, Policy recommendations
Risk-based Evaluation of Landfill Gas Flare Efficiency Using Computational Fluid Dynamics | April 2012
Rouzbeh Abbassi, Kelly Hawboldt
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Waste management, Landfill, Climate change
Recycling from the Margins: Informal Recycling Networks in St. John's as Social Interactions | April 2012
Michelle Porter
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Recycling, Waste management, Social enterprise, Sustainability
Canadian Provincial Policies and Programs for Women in Leadership | April 2012
Lynn Guppy
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Local governance, Diversity, Policy recommendations, Women
Engaging Youth for Sustainable Coastal Community Economies | March 2012
Raïsa Mirza, Kelly Vodden
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Sustainability, Rural communities, Youth, Community Engagement, Aging population
Defining Regions for Building Economic Development Capacity in Newfoundland and Labrador | November 2011
David Freshwater, Alvin Simms, Kelly Vodden
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Regionalization, Economic development, Local governance, Labour force
Action Canada Papers on Labrador Mining, Aboriginal Governance and Muskrat Falls | October 2011
Keith Storey, Larry Felt, David Vardy
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Indigenous, Local governance, Megaprojects, Democracy, Natural resources
A Commitment to Place: The Social Foundations of Innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador | September 2011
Rob Greenwood, Candice Pike, Wade Kearley
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Entrepreneurship, Economic development, Immigration, Diversity, Regionalization, Local governance
Knowledge mobilization processes during the research process in two projects: lessons for the Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development | April 2011
David Speed
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Knowledge mobilization, Impact report
Harris Centre Major Activities, 2004/05- 2010/11 | April 2011
The Harris Centre
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Impact report, Memorial University
Commercial Forestry at a Cross-Roads: Emerging Trends in the Forest Sector of Newfoundland and Labrador | April 2011
C. Michael Wernerheim, Blair Long
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Forestry, Natural resources, Economic development, Sustainability
Do Newfoundland and Labrador Royalties Subsidize Offshore Oil and Gas Investments? | August 2010
Wade Locke
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Fossil fuels, Natural resources, Local governance
Local Governance, Creativity and Regional Development in Newfoundland and Labrador: Lessons for Policy and Practice from Two Projects | June 2010
Heather Hall
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Regionalization, Tourism, Economic development, Economic development, Labour force, Local governance
Transitioning Into and Out of Parental Leave: Recommendations for Three Stages | June 2010
Jenna Hawkins
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Labour force, Women, Economic development, Policy recommendations
Strategic Risk Management in the Municipal and Public Sector: An Exploration of Critical Success Factors and Barriers to Strategic Risk Management within the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador | May 2010
Thomas Cooper
Read the report
Local governance, Sustainability, Risk management, Natural resources
Metropolis on the margins: talent attraction and retention to the St. John’s city-region | March 2010
Josh Lepawsky, Crystal Pham, Rob Greenwood
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Labour force, Immigration, Economic development, Local governance
The Social Dynamics of Economic Performance: Innovation and Creativity in City-Regions | February 2010
Heather M. Hall
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Economic development, Labour force, Local governance
Feasibility Study of Pumped Hydro Energy Storage for Ramea: Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System | December 2009
Tariq Iqbal
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Energy, Renewable, Rural communities, Sustainability
"Help Wanted": Demographics, Labour Supply and Economic Change in Newfoundland | November 2009
Keith Storey
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Labour force, Aging population, Immigration, Economic development
Nanomaterials in Newfoundland: Designing a Lab Kit for Grades 9-12 to Bridge the Gap between Science and Engineering | October 2009
Amy Hsiao
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Schools, Labour force, Economic development
The organization and dynamics of clustering and innovation in the ocean technology sector in Newfoundland and Labrador and the St John’s City-Region | September 2009
Josh Lepawsky
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Ocean sciences, Entrepreneurship, Tech sector
Attracting and Retaining Immigrants to Newfoundland and Labrador: Voices from the Newcomers and International Students | August 2009
Lan Gien, Rebecca Law
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Immigration, Labour force, Diversity, International, Memorial University
Rural and Regional Development in Newfoundland and Labrador: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities | May 2009
Rob Greenwood
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Rural communities, Regionalization, Economic development
Atlantic Canada’s Demographic Future: Rural-Urban Interaction, Functional Regions | May 2009
Rob Greenwood
Read the reportRead the report
Population projections, Rural communities, Regionalization
Reflecting on Regional Engagement of Higher Education Institutions: Have We Learned Anything? | April 2009
Wade Locke
Read the report
Memorial University, Regionalization, Economic development, Entrepreneurship, Ocean technology
Pilot Project: A 20-Year Comparison on Immigration Retention in Newfoundland and Labrador | April 2009
Barbara Burnaby, Joan Whelen, Jose Rivera
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Immigration, Labour force, Diversity, Economic development
Investigating the Potential Role of Coyotes on Caribou Populations on the Island of Newfoundland | March 2009
Yolanda Wiersma
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Wildlife management, Food systems, Sustainability, Hunting
Exploring the Meaning of "Welcoming Communities" for Immigrants in Newfoundland and Labrador | March 2009
Anne Marie Sullivan, Kathleen Ring, Savanna Harris
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Immigration, Labour force, Diversity, Community engagement
Innovation and Creativity in City Regions: Do We Have What It Takes to Compete with Canada’s Urban Centres? | February 2009
Rob Greenwood
Read the report
Entrepreneurship, Economic development, Natural resources
Small Scale Renewable Energy Resources Assessment for Newfoundland | 2008
K. Fisher, M.T. Iqbal, A. Fisher
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Renewable energy, Energy, Rural communities, Climate change
Linking organic matter source to disinfection byproduct formation in drinking water supplies | 2008
Susan Ziegler, Susan Hannan
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Drinking water, Public health, Rural communities
Strategic Intelligence Summary Report | December 2008
Strategic Intelligence Group
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Impact report, Economic development, Memorial University, Public forum
Report from the Workshop “Memorial University - Community Research Partnerships: Resource Management in Marine and Freshwater Environments” | August 2008
Kurt Korneski
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Public forum, Aquaculture, Memorial University, Community engagement, Sustainability
Report of the Immigration and Settlement Workshop | March 2008
The Harris Centre
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Immigration, Labour force, Students, Memorial University, Diversity
Presentation to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada on the knowledge mobilization activities of the Harris Centre | February 2008
Rob Greenwood, Mike Clair
Read the report
Impact report, Summary report
Where Do You Draw the Line: Regionalization in Newfoundland and Labrador | January 2008
Wade Kearly
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Regionalization, Local governance, Community engagement, Economic Development
Rural Businesses Making a Difference: A Collection of Business Cases Based on Rural Enterprises in Newfoundland and Labrador and the Republic of Ireland | 2007
Wayne King
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Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, Rural communities, International
An Investigation into the Nature of Education in a Rural and Remote Region of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador | 2007
Dennis Mulcahy
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Education, Rural communities, Public forum, Community engagement
Welta’q - “It Sounds Good”: Sound Recordings of the Mi’kmaq | 2007
Janice Esther Tulk
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Indigenous, Language preservation, Cultural heritage, Music
Economic Development Benefits of the Oil and Gas Industry in Newfoundland and Labrador | September 2007
The Harris Centre
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Fossil fuels, Pollution, Energy
The Absence of Opportunity: Understanding the Dynamics of Out-Migration in Newfoundland and Labrador | July 2007
Scott Lynch
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Labour force, Economic development, Rural communities
Marine Protected Areas in Canada with a particular Emphasis on Newfoundland: Science, Policy, and Implementation at Multiple Institutional Levels | January 2007
Kate Jones, David C. Schneider, Paul V.R. Snelgrove
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Nature conservation, Policy analysis, Marine environments
Hybrid Energy System for Battle Harbour Island in Labrador | 2006
MT Iqbal
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Renewable energy, Energy, Sustainability, Rural communities
Supporting the Contribution of Higher Education Institutions to Regional Development within Atlantic Canada | December 2006
Wade Locke
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Memorial University, Economic Development, Impact report
Managing Change Through Regionalization: Lessons from Newfoundland and Labrador | November 2006
Stephen Tomblin
Read the report
Regionalization, Local governance, Economic development
Federal Government Presence in Newfoundland and Labrador | August 2006
Jim Feehan, Alison Coffin
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View the presentation
Crown corporations, Economic development, Federal government
Immigration and Rural Canada: Research and Practice | June 2005
Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF), Rural Development Institute (RDI), National Rural Think Tank 2005
Read the reportImmigration, Rural communities, Diversity, Labour force
A Survey of the Attitudes of Employers in NL toward the Recruitment and Employment of New Canadians and International Workers | April 2005
Wade Locke, Scott Lynch
Read the report
Immigration, Rural communities, Diversity, Labour force, Economic development
Overview of Canadian Provinces at the Tri-National Agricultural Accord, Rural Development Workshop in Sacramento, California | April 2005
Robert Greenwood
View the presentation
Rural communities, Agriculture, Natural resources
Analysis of Cost of Labrador Marine Services: A Study of Base Freight Rates and Passenger Fares | March 2005
The Harris Centre
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Transit, Infrastructure, Economic analysis
The Role of International Medical Graduates in the Provision of Physician Services in Atlantic Canada | December 2004
Rick Audas, Amanda Ross, David Vardy
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Healthcare, International, Immigration, Public health
Fixed Link between Labrador and Newfoundland: Pre-Feasibility Study | November 2004
The Harris Centre
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Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D, Appendix E, Appendix F, Appendix GTransit, Infrastructure, Regionalization, Arctic studies
Growing the Economy of NL from Regional Workshops and Provincial Symposium | September - October 2004
The Harris Centre
View presentations from: Wade Locke and Scott Lynch; Tom Grandy; Bruce Colbourne, Dennis Hogan and Kristi McBride; Alastair O'Rielly; David Stewart; Richard Comerford; Bruce and Jim Templeton)
NL Rural Dialogue Report | July 2004
Keith Storey, Robert Greenwood
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Rural communities, Public forum, Community engagement, Economic development
Labrador Marine Transportation Study, Phase II | May 2004
The Public Policy Research Centre (a forerunner to the Harris Centre)
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Transit, Arctic studies, Marine transit, Infrastructure