Book an appointment

Welcome to the Department of Earth Sciences! I’m Kyle Hall, the Manager of Academic Programs. If you're an undergraduate student seeking assistance, I’m here to help. Click the button below to schedule a time to meet with me and discuss your academic program. I look forward to meeting you soon!

Preparing for your appointment

  • Prepare the questions or topics you would like to discuss prior to our appointment. 
  • Check out our program requirements in the University Calendar.
  • Review our Undergraduate Handbook or our Honours Handbook.
  • Arrive on time!
  • Remember that we can book a follow up appointment if required.

Late arrivals

The standard appointments are 15 minutes in duration. If you arrive more than 5 minutes past your scheduled appointment time there is no guarantee that I will be able to meet with you at that time, therefore late arrivals may need to reschedule.


Appointments can be cancelled or rescheduled by email or by phone or 1-709-864-4464. I understand that life happens, if something comes up and you can no longer make the initial appointment please let me know as soon as possible so we can reschedule.

 Contact Information

Kyle Hall

Manager of Academic Programs
(Tuesdays & Thursdays)
ER 4063C