Gokhan Keser

M.Sc. Candidate Geology 

Supervisor: Dr. Philippe Belley

Thesis title: Trace element distribution in metamorphic blue sapphire (Beluga Deposit, Nunavut, Canada): Implications for exploration and origin determination.

My Research: What is the mechanism that controls the color of sapphire in beluga? The importance of trace element geochemistry in determining the color index and origin. Importance of the mineral assemblage perspective in determining the color index from the petrological perspective or the mineral assemblage perspective. Which minerals form a stable association with corundum? Controls on gem quality? In my study, I will try to find answers to questions such as the comparison of beluga sapphire with other blue sapphire deposits in the world, and whether the origin of its formation was formed by the effect of magmatic or metamorphic processes, Is there a change in Fe and Ti or Si or Mg? Significance in Fe and Ti or Si and Mg color index.

About me: I won this scholarship, given by the Turkish Ministry of National Education to people who are professionally successful, with the first prize. I was chosen among hundreds of my colleagues for this scholarship, which is very difficult to earn. I believe that I will continue this success professionally throughout my graduate life and even in my future academic and professional life.