Program Information

Undergraduate Program:

In the first year of the Engineering program, all students take a common year, Engineering One, which is comprised of courses in engineering, mathematics and basic science. The engineering courses taken in this year introduce students to engineering problem-solving, analysis, design, communication and teamwork. The major programs of Civil, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical,  Mechatronics, Process, and Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering are offered in academic terms 3 through 8. Students alternate between 4-month academic terms and 4-month work terms after term 3 (see schedule below).

 If you are interested in hiring a student or learning more about out program, please reach out at

Engineering Co-operative Education

Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Mechatronics Engineering

Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering

Process Engineering

Graduate Internship Program:

Graduate course-based Master of Applied Science programs in engineering are offered through an optional internship model. Students in computer, environmental systems engineering and management, energy systems, oil and gas and safety and risk engineering programs can opt-in to complete one eight-month internship.

Engineering Co-operative Education

Computer Engineering

Environmental Systems Engineering and Management

Energy Systems Engineering

Oil and Gas Engineering

Safety and Risk Engineering


Type of Work Placements

The type of work engineering students can undertake varies from well-defined positions with specific tasks and procedures to unstructured situations where they work with only objectives and deadlines. Most, but not all, work under one or more professional engineer who can provide technical direction and mentoring. Students are able to contribute to all aspects of a project, including research, analysis, design, production, inspection, and documentation. Academic Staff Members in Co-operative Education in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science can advise employers on structuring job duties to meet the needs of both students and employers.

Memorial’s co-op students have had work term placements in all Canadian provinces, in the United States, and abroad in countries including: Australia, Belgium, Bermuda, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Poland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, and Sweden.


Undergraduate Work Term Schedule





Year 1

Engineering One*

Year 2

AT 3


AT 4

Year 3


AT 5


Year 4

AT 6


AT 7

Year 5


AT 8


AT = Academic Term, WT = Work Term
* May include a work term in some cases

Graduate Internship Schedule





Year 1

AT 1

AT 2

AT 3

Year 2

AT 4


Year 3

AT 5


AT = Academic Term, WT = Work Term
* Winter intake students will complete their internship following AT3.