Forensic Applications of Genetics & DNA
Primer of Mendelian Genetics

1. The outward appearance of an organism (phenotype) is influenced by its hereditary makeup (genotype).
2. Many individual characters are determined more or less directly by hereditary elements called genes.
3. Genes are located on chromosomes, each at a particular physical location called a locus.
        [BTW, Genes are made of DNA].
4. Alternative forms of genes are called alleles;
    every individual possesses two alleles for each gene, one inherited from each parent.
    [Individuals with two identical alleles are homozygotes;
        individuals with two dissimilar alleles are heterozygotes].
5. Some alleles (called dominant) mask the phenotypic expression of other alleles (called recessive).
    Dominant alleles are symbolized with capital letters (A) &
       recessive alleles with lower-case letters (a).

Genetic Variation in Humans

    (See OMIM Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database)
       Morphological: earlobe attachment
       Behavioral: tongue-rolling
       PTC (phenythiocarbamide) taste sensitivity (demonstration)
               The character "PTC sensitivity" is influenced by a
                      gene (PTC) with
                      two alleles:  "taster" (T) is dominant to "non-taster" (t).
                    ~70% of North American whites are "tasters" (TT or Tt) (PTC pedigree)

      ABO blood groups
          Isoagglutinin locus (I) on Chromosome 9 has three alleles: IA , IB , IO
                A & B alleles are co-dominant: both are expressed in the blood group phenotype
                A & B alleles are dominant to O : AA, AO & BB, BO indistinguishable
                    Matings ("marriages") between males & females produce

Genetics of ABO phenotypes

                 six genotypes (AA, AO, BB, BO, AB, & OO) & four phenotypes (A, B, AB, O)

 How common are these alleles, genotypes, & phenotypes in the human population?
    [ Digression into MATH of quantifying genetic variation ]

        In the ABO example:

Frequency of I - locus alleles

Frequency of ABO blood types

Forensic applications of ABO: exclusion vs. inclusion

    1. Forensic blood / semen stains
            Stain is AB, accused is O: absence of "match" excludes accused
            Stain and accused are both AB;
                "match" includes accused, but does not offer positive identification ("proof")
           Allele & genotype frequency considerations:
                IB is uncommon in western European populations (<10%),
                common in Asian populations (> 30%).
                 f(IB) ~ 0% in some populations:  this may influence an investigation

    2. Paternity testing:
       Scenario 1: Suppose mother is Type A, baby is Type B:
             Three putative fathers: can any be the actual father?
         #1 (Type A): Yes or No?
         #2 (Type B): Yes or No?
         #3 (Type O): Yes or No?

       Scenario 2: Suppose mother is Type A, baby is Type O:
                    Same three putative fathers: can any be the actual father?
                    Note that principle is different

    3. Multiple-locus testing
        Addition of more loci (e.g., MN, Rh blood factors) refines probability estimates
       MN bloodtype is determined by two co-dominant alleles

Frequency of MN blood types
f (M)
f (N)
US White

       Crime Scene scenario: Suppose stain & accused are both Type AB / N
           Product Rule: joint probability of two events is the product of their separate probabilites
                 prob. of AB and N blood types  =  f(AB) x f(NN) = (0.08) x (0.21) = 0.0168
                  < 2% of US White population has this combination
                  Is this sufficient for identification, suspicion, and/or exclusion?

        Juries can become confused by "conflicting" genetic tests:
            Mother is Type A / M, Baby is Type B / M, putative Father is Type B / N
       "The ABO test says he could be the father, the MN test says he couldn't :
                one of them must be wrong, or should I just ignore both?"

For a good forensic test, choose multiple genetic loci with lots of alleles / locus
            All genetic variation eventually comes from DNA molecules
            What is the nature of DNA variation?
            Is it useful for forensics?


Genes are made of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
    A double-stranded helix  (3-D model: requires chime)
    Sugar-phosphate backbone outside
    Nitrogenous bases (A,C,G, T) inside
    Bases held together by hydrogen bonds
       A pairs with T:    two H-bonds 
       G pairs with C: three H-bonds 

The genetic function of DNA is directly related to its structure

    The order of DNA bases conveys information:
            the information is a "genetic code" that specifies protein sequences
            Details are discussed in Biology 2250 (Principles of Genetics)

  C A T T A G A C T T G A G

    DNA is self-complementary: if you know one strand, you know the other

  C A T T A G A C T T G A G
  G T A A T C T ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

       DNA therefore has the capacity for self-replication:
         in vivo (in living organisms) [click here for an animation of DNA replication]
            or in vitro (in a "test tube", for example in a forensics lab)

We will concentrate on what can be learned from the DNA molecule itself

Forensic Applications of DNA Biotechnology

Analysis of DNA involves several aspects of biotechnology:
      "The use of biological processes to produce goods & services"
       Forensic applications are an example of services:

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) [Nobel Prize 1993]
   "DNA xeroxing":  in vitro (cell-free) DNA "cloning":
        Four components & one gadget
            DNA template: anything with DNA in it
                                          blood, semen, hair, skin, museum specimen, fossil, etc.
            Primers: single-stranded DNA that "stick" to either end of a gene:
            DNA polymerase: DNA replicating enzyme
            A, C, G, & T: four building-blocks for DNA
       Thermal cycler: computer-controlled heating & cooling block

   PCR process doubles gene copy number each cycle:
       In principle: primers initiate copying of new DNA from the old (template) DNA,
                                   using the polymerase & the ACGT building blocks
         2  16  32  64 etc.:
        10 cycles  1,000 copies, 20 cycles  1,000,000 copies, 30 cycles (~3 hrs) 109 copies
                [click here for an animation of PCR]

    Amplified DNA can be visualized by  gel electrophoresis
    Analysis of amplified DNA has forensic / scientific applications
           Example 1: Restriction Map Analysis
           Example 2: Gender determination in birds

PCR makes sufficient quantities of purified genes for direct analysis by ...

DNA sequencing [Nobel Prize 1980]
       automated DNA sequencing uses laser fluorometry
       modified ACGTs are attached to fluorescent dyes (A C G T)
                color-coded bases are incorporated into DNA during in vitro replication reaction
                scanning laser & photometer "see" fluorescence colours
                computer assembles four colours, "calls sequence"
            [click here for an animation of automated DNA sequencing ;
          "Helix & Primer" DNA sequencing service does this locally

       DNA sequences may provide evidence in criminal proceedings:
       Same gene has different sequences in different species
              Challenging the "My brother slaughtered a steer" defence
        Species identification in deer , seals, or tuna poaching.

       Different individuals have different sequences in same species (e.g. humans)
         Example: Differentiation of all ABO genotypes is now possible at DNA level.
                                Four variants of O, two of B, one of A => 28 genotypes in Europeans.
                                (Johnson & Hopkinson 1992)

Positive identification of indivduals will probably require ...

DNA Fingerprinting
    Determination of individual-specific gene patterns
        a "fingerprint" cf. dermatoglyphics
    VNTR loci (Variable Number of Tandem Repeats) [aka  mini- & microsatellites]
        short DNA sequence motifs repeated several times in one place
       GCGCGCGCGCGC (6-fold repeat)
       versus GCGCGC        (3-fold repeat)
        Copy number mutates rapidly, even between parents & children

     VNTR loci are highly polymorphic (many different alleles)
            => good markers for within-population studies
           Example: maternity testing in birds

      VNTR Fingerprint examines multiple loci simultaneously
                5 ~ 10 VNTR loci usually provide probabilites < 1 / 10 billion
                if band pattern at each of 5 loci has p = 0.01,
                    joint probability = (0.01)5 = 10-10

       Animation of DNA Fingerprinting for forensics
            GenCDX Chap 18 animation for criminalistics, paternity testing (human & equine)

Ethical concerns: GATACCA ?

All text material ©2001 by Steven M. Carr
for more information, e-mail me at