Deleterious alleles maintained by recurrent mutation.
stable equilibrium(read as "q
hat," where
0) reached
when rate of replacement (by mutation)
balances rate of removal (by selection).
µ =
frequency of new mutant alleles per locus per generation
µ =
10-6 : 1 in
1,000,000 gametes has new mutant
then = [see derivation
Ex.: For recessive lethal allele (s =
1) with mutation rate of µ = 10-6
then =
= 0.001
Genetic Load
selection against deleterious allele increases frequency
frequency of heritable conditions
in Homo (e.g., diabetes, myopia)
Eugenics: 1920s ~ 1960s social
Modification of human condition by selective breeding
'positive eugenics': encouraging people with "good genes" to
'negative eugenics': discouraging people with "bad genes'' from breeding
e.g., immigration control,
compulsory sterilization, and worse
[See: SJ Gould, "The
Mismeasure of Man"]
Is eugenics effective at reducing frequency of
deleterious alleles and (or) genotypes?
of 'deleterious alleles' occur in heterozygous carriers?
(2pq) / 2q2 = p/q
1/q (if q
<< 1)
for s = 1, ratio 1000 / 1 : most variant alleles
in heterozygotes,
not subject to selection
Conclusion: if most mutations are rare
(u < 0.001) & selectively disadvantageous
( s > 0.01)
mutation will not maintain population
variation at high levels observed:
For u = 10-6,
note that is reciprocally proportional to s = 0.100 & 0.001
for paired values of
s & µ
HOMEWORK: Suppose presbyopia
due to recessive allele p at a
single locus, with mutation rate µ
= 10-5
from P p.
Suppose presbyopia is historically associated with
selection coefficient s = 0.1,
& vision correction
has reduced selection by 90%.
1) What are the former vs new equilibrium
frequencies of
the p allele?
2) What
are the former vs new equilibrium frequencies
of persons with presbyopia ?
CREDIT: How many generations would it take to get
Derivation of Mutation / Selection equilibrium
Consider rare, recessive, deleterious allele a f(a) = q
<< 1 & f(A) = p
~ 1
f(Aa) = µ
mutation rate
(# new mutant alleles / gamete / generation)
: equilibrium between loss of a
due to selection
& replacement of a by new mutation
change in f(a) due to selection: qs
= -spq2 / (1 - sq2) [complete
dominance model]
change in f(a) due to mutation: qµ = µp
qµ +
= µp - spq2 / (1 - sq2)
- spq2
[ (1 - sq2)
if q << p ]
= (p) (µ - sq2)