Why Humanities @ Memorial?
Students in Humanities may expect the following: exposure to a variety of representative problems in the history and contemporary scene of human culture; education in significant methods and modes of interpretation that apply to a range of such problems; and engagement in an ongoing discussion concerning major values and human trends. Humanities concerns the human condition, past, present, and future. The human condition includes the natural world of which we are a part and from which we have distinguished ourselves, as well as the social, economic, and cultural worlds we create.
The graduate program in Humanities, offering the degree of Master of Philosophy, is an interdisciplinary teaching and research program housed in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Memorial University. In a normal year, the program provides a home for approximately 20 graduate students and an interdisciplinary teaching forum for among 50 instructors and tutors from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as other faculties at the University, the arts and culture community in St. John's, and visiting lecturers and postdoctoral fellows.
Description of program
- MPhil – The MPhil program involves only courses and can be completed in two years of full-time study.
Minimum admission requirements
- MPhil – Bachelor's degree (minimum second class honours) in one or more of the Humanities disciplines
Note: All figures are in Canadian dollars and subject to change. Fees are approved by the University’s Board of Regents. In the event of a discrepancy between the fees approved by the Board and those published on this website, the fees approved by the Board will prevail. Financial policies are enforced through the Department of Financial and Administrative Services. For the complete and official list of all fees and charges, visit
Program Information
Degrees Offered:
Duration (Full-time students):
MPhil: 2 years
St. John's
Application Deadline:
Applications are considered on an ongoing basis starting on 15 February. Late applications are given equal consideration.
Tuition (NL students):
MPhil: $635-$953/semester
Tuition (Other Canadian students):
MPhil: $826-$1,239/semester