Southwest Coast Thriving Regions Partnership Process

In March 2018, the Harris Centre partnered with Grenfell Campus (through GO Engagement) to complete the first workshop in the Thriving Regions Partnership Process for the Southwest Coast. Three broad themes were developed, including Embracing the Aging Population, Understanding Tourism Patterns, and Building Food Security (Fisheries and Agriculture), with particular interest in how any of these themes relate to entrepreneurship or community/regional collaboration. 

Summary Report: Southwest Coast Thriving Regions Workshop, Port aux Basques, October 18, 2018

A call for Expressions of Interest from the university community to do research in the region based on the themes was opened, and the fund evaluation committee chose three projects to move forward:

  • Lights... Camera... Grow! Documenting a Teaching Farm in Southwest Newfoundland (Dr. Paul De Decker, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)

  • Storytelling through Shadow Puppetry on the Southwest Coast (Dr. Jamie Skidmore, Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)

  • Agro-tourism and social enterprise: Developing a Southwest Coast Food Loop (Dr. Bonnie White from the Department of Historical Studies, School of Arts and Social Science at Grenfell Campus)

These researchers were brought to Port aux Basques for a second workshop, where they received feedback and built community partnerships.

Summary Report: Southwest Coast Thriving Regions Workshop Phase 2, Port aux Bas

The researchers submitted full research plans in January 2019, which were then reviewed by the fund evaluation committee before their projects were officially launched.

Final Reports:

Storytelling through Shadow Puppetry on the Southwest Coast

Read the report