About Policy Dialogues

The Harris Centre's Policy Dialogues are designed to be informative, thought-provoking, balanced and inclusive.

Policy for all

Public policy issues can impact all aspects of our lives - and at every level, global to local, industry to family. We believe that policy conversations should be open to anyone who has an interest in how we work together to organize ourselves in our communities, our province, our country and the global. 

Beyond just talk

The days of long lectures are long past. The Harris Centre Policy Dialogues are about unpacking complex issues with fresh perspectives, bringing together the "unusual" suspects to discuss, connect, share ideas and strategize on ways to move forward.

Tuned in 

We're always keeping our ears to the ground and staying tuned into the issues of the day, but we're also open to your ideas and suggestions for topics and key areas of interest! 

You ask the questions, we provide the stage. 

Whether you are a researcher at Memorial, a community leader or a concerned citizen - we'd love to hear from you with your ideas! 
Reach out!