CMST Minor

Communication Studies Minor

Declaring a Minor in Communication Studies

Students wishing to declare a Minor in Communication Studies shall consult with the program's designated academic advisor to discuss the requirements of the program. Information about declaring a program of study in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is available at

Regulations for the Minor in Communication Studies

Students who choose to complete a Minor in Communication Studies must complete at least 24 credit hours in Communication Studies as follows:

  1. CMST 2000; 2001; 3000; 4000;

  2. 3 credit hours chosen from: CMST 2100, 2813, 3001, 3002, 3010-3020, 3816, 3913, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4010-4020, 4402, 4700, or 4844; and

  3. An additional 9 credit hours in courses from Table 1 Core Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses Approved for the Major and Minor in Communication Studies.

  4. Of the 24 credit hours listed for the minor above, a minimum of 9 credit hours must be at the 3000 level or above.

  5. Students should normally enroll in the Communication Studies (CMST) section of any applicable crosslisted courses.

Course List

Not all courses are necessarily offered each year. Students must be careful not to register for different designations of the same course that is cross-listed with different departments. Normal departmental prerequisites for courses are applicable.