CMST Major

Communication Studies Major

Declaring the Major in Communication and Media Studies

Students wishing to declare a Major in Communication and Media Studies shall consult with the Program Director to discuss the requirements of the program. Information about declaring a program of study in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is available at

Regulations for the Major in Communication and Media Studies

See regulations in the relevant section of University Calendar. Note that changes to this program take effect as of September 2018. Students may follow the program in effect when they began their major or follow the following revised program but are not permitted to mix the two.

Details about the revised program

1. A Major in Communication and Media Studies consists of all of the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts program, including a minimum of 36 credit hours in courses in Table 1 below, as follows:

a. 18 credit hours in courses designated as CMST, including 2000, 2001, 3000, 4000; and
b. 18 additional credit hours chosen from Table 1. This may include up to 6 credit hours in non-Communication and Media Studies courses eligible for the Certificate in Film Studies chosen from Table 1 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses for the Certificate in Film Studies.
c. Of the 36 total credit hours, a minimum of 15 must be at the 3000 level or above, including at least 6 credit hours at the 4000 level.

A student is expected to enroll in the Communication and Media Studies section of any applicable cross-listed courses.

Course List

Not all courses are necessarily offered each year. Students must be careful not to register for different designations of the same course that is cross-listed with different departments. Normal departmental prerequisites for courses are applicable. Please consult the HSS Upcoming Course Offerings webpage, which can help with course planning.

Core Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses Approved for the Honours, Major, and Minor in Communication and Media Studies

1000 and 2000 Level Courses

CMST 2000, 2001, 2100, 2451 or English 2451

CMST 2813 or English 2813

Philosophy 2140 or the former 2582

Sociology 2210

3000 Level Courses

Anthropology 3630 or Sociology 3630

CMST 3000, 3001, 3002

CMST 3010-3020

CMST 3050

CMST 3816 or the former English 3816

English 3843

Political Science 3860

4000 Level Courses

CMST 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4010-4020, 4050, 4402 or the former English 4402, 4700, 4843 or English 4843, 4844 or English 4844, 4900 or English 4900

Sociology 4107

Previous Calendar Regulations

In accordance with UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS - Degree and Departmental Regulations, Year of Degree and Departmental Regulations - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Faculty of Science, candidates for a Major in Communication Studies will normally follow regulations in effect in the academic year in which the student first completes a course in that subject at the 2000-level or above which may be applied to the major or minor program respectively. However, the student may elect to follow subsequent regulations introduced during the student's tenure in a program. These "grandparented" students are encouraged to consult the program’s designated academic advisor for assistance with course selection.

Program Academic Advisor

Students are invited to contact the Undergraduate Liaison. Please see for current contact information.

Program Degree Map

HSS Course Offerings