CMST Honours

Honours in Communication and Media Studies

Students wishing to pursue an Honours degree in Communication and Media Studies shall consult with the Program Director to discuss the requirements of the program.

Details about how to apply to the Honours program and tips for writing the Honours thesis can be found here:
CMST 4999 Honours Guidelines

Regulations for the Honours in Communication and Media Studies

Students wishing to pursue an Honours program in Communication and Media Studies must submit an application for admission to Honours to the Program Director. It is strongly recommended that students have completed at least 15 credit hours in Communication and Media Studies at the 3000 level, and CMST 2000, 2001, and 3000 before applying. To be eligible for the Honours program, students normally must have a minimum of 70% in each CMST designated course or a cumulative average of 75% or higher in all completed undergraduate courses. Applications will be competitive as spaces are limited based on faculty availability. Admission to the program is in accordance with University Regulations (Undergraduate) and the Bachelor of Arts (Honours Degree) Regulations.

See regulations in the relevant section of University Calendar.