Photographic Untruths in Fiction Pt. 1

Photographic Untruths in Fiction. Co-editor: Agnes Neier. Spec. issue of Image [&] Narrative, vol. 20, no .3, 2019.

Image and Narrative CoverThis special issue of Image [&] Narrative seeks to embrace the uncertainty and ambiguity that surrounds photography and its product, the photographic image. Focusing on the multifaceted layers of untruthfulness that inform photography, contributors reflect on its unstable and suspect relationship to truth and the real. They do so by addressing the implications of photographic fabrications, manipulations, deceptions, alternative truths, defactualization, and deliberate falsehoods in the context of literary fiction. By doing so, they push the conversation surrounding photography and literature to a new and productive terrain that accounts for how the use of photographic images in a literary context is couched in doubt, that is, in a dynamic process whereby readers oscillate between belief and uncertainty.

Table of Contents

Neier, Agnes and Nancy Pedri. "Introduction: Un-truths of Photography in Fiction." 1-10.

Alù, Giorgia. "Artful Lives: Photography's other Truths in Helena Janeczek's La Ragazza con la Leica." 11-26.

Lehtimäki, Markku. "Invented Images: Photography, Experience, and History in Sofi Oksanen's Novels." 27-37.

Olsza, Malgorzata. "Photography as a Mirror in Alison Bechdel's Graphic Memoir Are You My Mother?: A Comic Drama." 38-50.

Petit, Laurence. "Desperately Seeking Julia, or the Truth and Untruth of an Obituary Photograph: Anita Brookner's Brief Lives (1990)." 51-60.