Paragon Press
A Collection of Creative Writing
Current Managing Editors: Nicole Haldoupis and Christina Wells
Current Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Porter
Deadline Extended: September 24, 2024

First conceived in Fall 2007 by Paul S. Fowler and Lacey Decker, Paragon is a publication venue and a learning tool for creative writers studying at Memorial and across Canada.
Since the publication of the first edition of the journal in 2008, we have published four further editions of Paragon Journal, as well as a collection of non-fiction essays entitled Telling Truth and a collection of poetry entitled Tangerine Parallelograms.
Previous publications are still available for purchase.
For information on the press, or to place an order, contact us by e-mail at
E-mail your previously unpublished submissions as a word attachment to:
NOTE: Paragon contributors may only submit once per calendar year and can not be published in two consecutive journals (this does not include our contests).
Poetry: 3 poems max. Please include all poems in a single document, single spaced. Please submit no more than 10 pages per submission and no more than one poem per page.
Fiction/Creative Non-fiction: 2500 words max. Please submit a .doc or .docx file, double-spaced.
Visual Art: Please submit work with 300 dpi minimum.
Comics: 5 pages max. We aim to publish shorter and/or longer comics. Please only send up to three strips or one longer comic at a time.
Submissions should include a separate cover page with the author’s name, title(s) of submission, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and a few lines about your writing/visual arts career.
Pages containing actual submission text should not include author information.
Paragon accepts simultaneous submissions, but please inform us immediately if your work has been accepted somewhere else.
Finally, we ask for your patience. We receive many excellent submissions. Although we aim to read and select promptly, it may take up to 6 months for a response.