Students I have taught

One of my more illustrious students in the late '80s went on to greater fame in Great Big Sea — and one of his former band members took my Songwriting course in 2015. Other students have written books, recorded CDs, worked in media, and toured the world.

Some of the thousands of students I have taught have gone on to become:

  • activists
  • actors
  • archivists
  • authors
  • bookshop owners
  • broadcasters
  • carpenters
  • CBC reporters
  • doctors
  • editors
  • ESL teachers
  • film-makers
  • folklorists
  • government workers
  • hotel workers
  • journalists
  • lawyers
  • librarians
  • ministers
  • MUN employees
  • musicians
  • novelists
  • NTV new announcers
  • nurses
  • optometrists
  • parents & grandparents
  • physiotherapists
  • poets
  • politicians
  • printers
  • publishers
  • realtors
  • singer-songwriters
  • speech therapists
  • teachers
  • university professors
  • videographers
  • zany anti-zyzygists 

& more…