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The Breakwater Book of Contemporary Newfoundland Plays. Vol 3. Ed. Denyse Lynde. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2016.
The Breakwater Book of Contemporary Newfoundland Plays. Vol 2. Ed. Denyse Lynde. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2014.
The Breakwater Book of Contemporary Newfoundland Plays. Vol 1. Ed. Denyse Lynde. St. John's: Breakwater Books, 2012.
“Introduction” by Denyse Lynde in Robert Chafe: Two Plays.

Voices From the Landwash. Ed. Denyse Lynde. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 1997.
"The In/Visible Drama of Atlantic Canada" by D. Lynde in Contemporary Issues in Canadian Drama, ed by Per Brash. Winnipeg: Blizzard Publishing, 1995, pp. 235-249.
The Proceedings: Workshop in Newfoundland Theatre Research, ed. D. Lynde, H. Peters, R. Buehler. St. John’s: Memorial University, 1993.
The Shaw Festival Sherlock Holmes by William Gillette. D. Lynde, Dramatuge. Toronto: Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library, 1994.
Member, Performing History Workshop 2015. Congress (CATR) University of Ottawa. May 2015
“The Stage Project: Exploring Newfoundland’s Performing Arts History” with Mandy Rowsell. Congress CATR University of Ottawa. May 2015.
"Artistic Fraud: A Musical Juggling Act." Lyric CANADA 2010, Brock University and Shaw Festival, Oct. 2010
“Equity: A Newfoundland Snap Shot” Mount Saint Vincent, Feb. 2005
“Icycle. New languages”. Canadian Plays Festival, Conference. Stratford Festival, October 2002
“Thanks for dessert but could I have a sandwich?: Newfoundland’s Special Project Funding”. Congress (ACTR) University of Alberta, May 2000.
“Cultural Policy or Cloning A Culture: Newfoundland 1967-1973", Congress (ACTR) Ottawa, 1998.
“Berni Stapleton: Caged”, International Federation of Theatre Research, Cambridge, 1998.
"Leaving Home(s): Britain and Newfoundland Post-Colonial Drama", Learned Society (ACTR) St. Catherines, 1996.
"Elementary, my dear Newton", a paper delivered at the Colloquium Series, Department of English, Memorial University, fall 1994.
"Michael Cook: the making of a playwright," a paper delivered at the Learned Societies Conference (ACTR), Charlottetown, 1992.
"Reshaping the Rock: Women's Voices in Newfoundland" a paper delivered at "Breaking the Surface", an interactive festival/conference of women, theatre and social action at the University of Calgary, November, 1991.
"Research Opportunities in St. John's" a paper delivered at the Learned Societies Conference (ACTH), Kingston, May, l99l.
"Jacob's Wake and the Open Group," a paper delivered at the Learned Societies Conference (ACTH), Victoria, May, 1990.
Participant in the Improvisation Workshop, Shakespeare Association of America Conference, Philadelphia, April, 1990.
"The Gayden Chronicles: The Script, the Revisions, the Responses," a paper delivered at the Learned Societies Conference (ACTH), Winnipeg, May, 1986.
"Wabana: Place of First Light." Community Engaged Theatre (Critical Perspectives on Canadian Theatre in English): 19.
"Icycle: New Languages: New Languages For Theatre." Critical Perspectives on Canadian Theatre 16.
“Grace Butt” in Literary Encyclopedia, 2006.
“Robert Chafe” in Literary Encyclopedia, 2006.
“Dick Buehler, Newfoundland Studies, 2006.
“Robert Chafe: The Last Two Years in Review” in Canadian Theatre Review, 127. (Fall, 2006)
“Magnetic North in Review” in Canadian Theatre Review 127 (Fall, 2006)
“Icycle: New Languages” in Canadian Theatre Review 105 (Spring, 2003)
“The Wonderbolt Circus Theatre” Canadian Theatre Review 102 (Spring, 2000)
Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web Site Arts: Theatre, Amateur Theatre Tradition, Professional Companies, Playwrights, Collectives, Michael Cook and Grace Butt. (2000).
“Writing and Publishing: Four Newfoundland Playwrights in Conversation” Canadian Theatre Review (Spring 1999)
“Leslie Yeo” commissioned by the 2000 Canadian Encyclopedia World Edition, James March, editor-in-chief: McClelland & Stewart. CD-ROM.
“Wabana: Place of First Light” Canadian Theatre Review, Winter 1997: 32-47.
“CODCO” comissioned by the 1999 Canadian Encyclopedia, James March, editor in chief: McClelland & Stewart. CD-ROM.
“Stephenville Festival” commissioned by the 1999 Canadian Encyclopedia, James March, editor-in-chief: McClelland & Stewart. CD.ROM. (Revised 1999)
“Forum” in Theatre Research in Canada/Recheches Theatrals au Canada Vol. 16, nos 1-2 (1995) pp. 111-113.
“In Memoriam Michael Cook” in Theatre Research In Canada/Recherches Theatrales au Canada 15, no 2 (1994) pp. 204-205.
“The Text and the Rehearsal Process” in The Shaw Festival’s Sherlock Holmes by William Gillette (Toronto: Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library, 1994) pp. 6-7.
“Biographical Note” Eden End Program (Niagara on the lake: Shaw Festival, 1994).
“Introduction” in The Proceedings: Workshop in Newfoundland Theatre Research, ed. D. Lynde, H. Peters and R. Buehler (St. John's: Memorial University, 1993) pp. vii-ix.
“Michael Cook” in Boneman, ed. Gordon Ralph (St. John’s, Jesperson 1995), 40
“Introduction” in Boneman, ed. Gordon Ralph (St. John’s, Jesperson 1995), 41.
“Janis Spence: Chickens, Cats and the Responsibility of Love” Canadian Theatre Review, Winter, 1991.
“The Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia” in the Oxford Companion to Canadian Theatre, ed. Eugene Benson and L. W. Connolly, (Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada, 1989).
“The 1988-89 St. John's Theatre Season” in Queen's Quarterly, 96 (Autumn 1989), 691-97.
“The Plays of Christopher Heide” in Proceedings of the Theatre in Atlantic Canada Symposium, ed. Richard Paul Knowles, Anchorage Series 4 (Sackville, N.B.: Mount Alison University, 1988), pp. 37-47.
“Newfoundland Collective Theatre - the Wake or the Awakening?” commissioned by Canadian Theatre Review, 55 (Summer, 1988).
“Wolfville's Mermaid Theatre: The First Fifteen Years” Theatre History in Canada/Histoire du Theâtre au Canada, 9 (Spring, 1988), 81-93. First delivered as a paper at the Learned Societies Conference (ACTH), 1985.
“Garage Sale - A Note” in Canadian Drama and the Critics, ed. L. W. Connolly, (Toronto: Talon Books, 1987), pp. 291-93.
“The Dowser Figure in the Plays of Gwen Pharis Ringwood” Ariel 18 (1987), 27-37.
“Sir Peter and Lady Teazle of Montreal's Theatre Royal, 1829-39” Theatre History in Canada/Histoire du Theatre au Canada, IV, 2 (1983), 57-72. First delivered as a paper at the Learned Societies Conference (ACTH), May, 1982.
“Theatre and AutoBiography: Writing and Performing Lives in Theory and Practice” (Talonbooks 2006) The University of Toronto Quarterly Vol. 77:1.(Spring 2008).
“TheMasks of Judith Thompson” (Playwrights Canada Press) The University of Toronto Vol. 77: 1 (Winter, 2008).
“How Theatre Educates: Convergences & Counterpoints” The University of Toronto Quarterly Vol. 74:1 (Spring 2004).
“Later Stages: Essays in Ontario Theatre from the First World War to the 1970s”, The University of Toronto Quarterly Vol. 68: 1 (Winter 1998/99).
"The Diaries of Lady Gregory" Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, July, 1997, no. 23, Vol. 1.
"The Michael Cook Papers" English Studies in Canada, 22, no. 4, 1996 p. 479-481.
"The Plays of Codco", Theatrum, April/May, 1993, p. 36.
"The Hungry Spirit", Canadian Theatre Review, Fall, 1993, p. 68-69.
"Chris Brookes' A Public Nuisance: A History of the Mummers Troupe", in Theatre History in Canada/Histoire du Theâtre au Canada, 10, 2 (1989), 211-14.
"Grace Butt's An Ear for a Flea and To Toslow We’ll Go", Canadian Theatre Review, 54 (Spring, 1988).
"Some Recent Canadian Women's Poetry," Atlantis, (1986), 159-164.
Theatre Reviews: CBC Radio
Interview CBC National, Gwen Pharis Ringwood, Feb 8/9/98.
Duet for One and Walking to Australia 09/06/92.
My Three Dads 23/04/92.
Love Letters 9/04/92.
Clarence Darrow 13/03/92.
Possible Maps and Jigging 13/09/91.
Theatre Reviews: Evening Telegram
Lulu (She Said Yes! White Rooster Production) Jan, 2006.
Never Swim Alone (c2c) May 28, 2005.
Mr. Invisible (RCA) May 13, 2005.
Cul-de-sac (dada kamera) April 28, 2005.
Jewel (c2c) October 30, 2004.
Burial Practices of the Early European Settlers Through to Today (Artistic Fraud) Feb. 21, 2004.
Top Girls (Redwatch Theatre and She Said Yes Production) Feb. 29, 2004.