English 7070

English 7070
Canadian Drama: Looking Back
English 7070 will introduce topics in Canadian drama written between the sixties and the nineties. Topics which will be explored include "regional/isms" "alternative", ‘collective’ ‘female voices,’ ‘realism’ and ‘expanding parameters" among others. Since drama cannot be considered outside of its theatrical context, we will also consider Canadian theatre or cultural forces, both national and provincial, that surround each topic. Generally the areas to be studied will include analysis and evaluation of plays, consideration of drama critics and criticism and acknowledgment of the varied theatrical movements at work.
Required Texts (available in Bookstore)
Modern Canadian Plays, Volume 1 & 2
Seminar (2) 30
Paper 45
Peer review 10
Participation 15
Seminar (2 x 15% = 30%)
The seminar has two parts: the first is a presentation of 12 to 15 minutes on one of the assigned readings; the second is the class discussion that you lead and moderate following the seminar. This seminar is NOT a formal written paper. Rather you speak to topics. The seminar should be rigorous and carefully structured, and you much submit a hard copy after class. Your grade will take into account the quality of your seminar, the extent to which it generates class discussion and your responses during the question period.
Formal Research Paper and Peer Review: 55%
This is an article-length research paper on a topic of your choice.
Phase 1: The first, complete draft (MLA Handbook) is due early, on November 14, and should be between 5000 and 6000 words.
Phase 2: You will each conduct a ‘blind’ review of one of your peer’s papers, in which you offer constructive feedback for revision and raise questions that will help the author refine and improve his/her argument. I will conduct a similar review of all papers
Phase 3: You will receive both reviews, and then will have approximately two weeks to address all questions and concerns. The revised version is due in mid-December.
Participation: 15%
Come to the class every week having read all of the required material carefully
Make regular and meaningful verbal contributions to the class discussion.
Offer respectful responses to / pose thoughtful questions about ALL of the seminars
So that you always have something to add, have prepared two typed questions or critical observations for each group of readings that you can share and that are designed to facilitate discussion. These are to be handed in at the end of every class
Week of Sept. 12 Introduction: 1967: Expo
The Ecstasy of Rita Joe (Ryga)
Fortune and Men’s Eyes (Herbert)
Week of Sept. 19: Quebec in the 70's
Les Belles Soeurs (Tremblay)
Balconville (Fennario)
Week of Sept. 26: Historical Stories
1837: The Farmers Revolt (Rick Salutin and Theatre Passe Muraille)
St. Nicholas Hotel (Reaney)
Week of Oct. 3: Family Tales
Leaving Home (French)
Bordertown Café (Barber)
Week of Oct. 17: Exploring the Limits
Never Swim Alone
Polygraph (Lepage)
Week of Oct. 24: Solo Performances
The Occupations of Heather Rose (Wendy Lill)
Fronteras Americans (Guillermo Verdecchia)
Week of Oct. 31: Theatre Plus
Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing (Tomson Highway)
Zastrozzi (Walker)
Week of Nov. 7: The Performance
7 Stories (Morris Panych)
Billy Bishop Goes to War (John Gray and Eric Peterson)
Week of Nov. 14: Society and the Individual
Doc (Bolt)
Problem Child (Walker)
Week of Nov. 21: Drag Queens!
Drag Queens on Trial (Gilbert)
Orphan Muses (Bouchard)
Week of November 28: Memory or Nightmares?
Moo (Clarke)
Lions in the Streets (Judith Thompson)