

All graduate assistants employed by MUN (for example, teaching assistants, research assistants) are members of the bargaining unit (and thus obligated to pay union dues) and are represented by the labour union TAUMUN. To be a member in good standing (MIGS) of the union you must also fill out a membership form and sign it. That said, all members of the bargaining unit (regardless of whether they've filled out the form) benefit from the improved conditions that we secure from the university. 

The more members-in-good-standing that we have, the stronger our position to bargain for better conditions and benefits for all employees in the bargaining unit (i.e., YOU).

Membership forms are now available in PDF format

We've created a version of the membership form as a PDF that you can print and send back to us by internal mail. You can fill out the form on the computer and then print it out. Or you can print it and fill it out by hand. In either case, the signature has to be by hand. You need to sign it with a pen, on the printed paper copy of the form. This is a legal requirement by the provincial labour board. Once you've filled it out and signed it, you can fold it up (there's a diagram in the PDF) and give it to your department secretary to send to us by internal mail (no need for a stamp or envelope).

TAUMUN Membership Form

Filling out your membership form also entitles you to run for and hold an executive position in the union, attend TAUMUN and PSAC workshop and training events (with free transportation and accomodation, and per diem), propose and vote on motions, and take part in collective bargaining.

If you have any questions (about the union, worker rights, your benefits, or other), let us know. If you know of anyone else that needs to fill out their form, send them a link to this page.