
Cohort 1 (2020-2021)

Social VentureEntreprenuer NameDescriptionArticles
Cloudberry Forest School Nora Trask An outdoor school that offers children regular and repeated access to natural woodlands with the support of highly qualified teachers.
CohousingNL Wendy Reid Fairhurst Developing a new model for modern housing: shared housing communities for increased social connections, downsized living and environmental sustainability.
Stormy Shore Evan Burry Aims to preserve culture and history with engaging forms of digital media. The first focus is on the development of a video game based on the Newfoundland Regiment during the Second World War.

 Cohort 2 (2021-2022)

Social VentureEntrepreneur NameDescriptionArticles
#RisingYouthPreneur Mandy Penney Aims to reduce unemployment and poverty rates among youth with disabilities while increasing the number of young entrepreneurs with disabilities and the number of accessible businesses.

Mariana Jimenez Ojeda

Garrett Melee

Aims to provide a safe and long-lasting home to dogs through value-added training while positively influencing the well-being of people with mental health conditions.
ReWild Wellness

Jessica Spooner 

Fighting climate change through nature-based programs that help people reconnect to the natural world. It focuses on women, particularly those in vulnerable situations, and offers hiking, life coaching, forest therapy, mood walks and all-inclusive backpacking adventures.
Recycle on the Rock  Trevor Bessette  Fighting to decrease plastic pollution in Newfoundland and to educate citizens in the process. The goal is to establish a large network of community drop-off points that enable Newfoundlanders to easily recycle common waste plastics that are currently overlooked by waste management systems  
Renewabli Waste Solutions  Taejha Young  Aims to create consumer-based waste disposal solutions that are both zero-waste and climate-neutral to up-cycle household food waste into energy.   

Cohort 3 (2022-2023)

Social VentureEntrepreneur NameDescriptionArticles
Roots and Wings Fish Co Lillian Saul Aims to enhance the viability of Newfoundland small-scale fisheries by expanding local market capacity for cod, an under-utilized fish species–yet quintessential to this province’s history and character.
ReClaim Community CDO

Hillary King

Wendy Reid-Fairhurst

Aims to support non-profits, social enterprises, community-led groups, and individuals with great ideas to realize their visions towards enacting change at a local, place-based level.
Museful Teaching Resources  Chanel Rolle  Aims to help increase the representation of BIPOC musicians and multicultural classical music by making it more accessible to broader audiences.   
Jesse Dolandson Art Jessie Donaldson An art farm that provides locals and tourists a place to slow down for general well-being.

Cohort 4 (2023-2024)

Social VentureEntrepreneur NameDescriptionArticles
AbbaTek Group Inc Adbul-Latif Alhassan A for-profit social enterrise that develops proprietary and open-source software and open data solutions to make better decisions about water and the environment in general.
Pattern Therapy Group Heather Kere Quelleng Provides therapeutic services that center the experiences of Black and racialized people. Inaugural services will include therapy for individuals with specialties that include therapy for Black Women, caregivers, people experiencing burnout and second generation Canadians.
Simply Wedding NL Nancy Leung Aims to make wedding accessible for couples with different financial backgrounds, and ultimately restore the interest and confidence for young couples to arrange weddings and share the joy with their family and friends.  
Twisted Tuckamore 

Tara Cashen

Sampson Vassallo

A venture that connects children to food, art, and land through play. Programming will be mostly child-led and play-based with opportunities to create art, tinker in the community garden plot, and explore the woods.   
NE1 Sports

Trevor Blackler 

Seeks to make hockey more affordable and accessible and to make an impact in social integration of new Canadians, low-income families, and other marginalized communities through the sport of hockey. At the individual level, this venture will create a positive impact in participant mental, physical, and emotional health.