PLACE Framework
The acronym PLACE signifies five principles for community development that emerged from a SSHRC-funded research project on Shorefast's place-based approach to social enterprise on Fogo Island, N.L. It also evokes the primary condition for rural renewal: a deep and abiding love of place. Research to deepen our understanding of community revitalization in N.L. has continued thanks to support from the Future Ocean and Coastal Infrastructures (FOCI) project.
Photo credit: Paddy Barry
Read about the key learnings of the PLACE Framework in Revitalizing PLACE through Social Enterprise (Memorial Universty Press, 2023). Open access PDF available for download!
To learn more about the PLACE Framework, see below:
- January 14: How to strengthen community resilience in a world plagued by crises (The Conversation)
- April 24: Revitalizing PLACE through Social Enterprise with Dr. Natalie Slawinski (Youtube)
- September 17: Utilizing Academic-Practitioner Partnering for Societal Impact (Sage Publication)
- December: Revitalizing PLACE through Social Enterprise (Memorial University Press)
- June: Rapid problem formulation for Societal Impact: Lessons from a decade-long research-practice partnership (Journal of Business Venturing Insights)
- October 14: Learning about what makes communities survive, AND thrive. Academic research is focusing on the resilience of communities here in Newfoundland and Labrador (CBC News)
- April 30: Well positioned: The role of social enterprise in a post-pandemic N.L. (The Gazette)
- June 28: Rebuilding community through social innovation: A PLACE model (Nova School of Business and Economics)
- May 17: Imagination, co-operation help secure future in Atlantic Canada’s small towns (The Chronicle Herald)
- March 25: Harris Centre Memorial presents: The future of rural development (Youtube)
- March 17: What can Fogo teach us about revitalizing rural economies and culture? (CBC News)
- Feb. 12: Social enterprise and community development (Rural Routes podcast)
- Feb. 6: Rebuilding community through social innovation: A PLACE model (Cambridge Social Innovation Blog)
- Jan. 30: Rural social enterprises (VOCM Open Line)
- Jan. 25: Op-ed: Strengthening Newfoundland and Labrador through social enterprise: A ‘PLACE’ model (The Gazette)
- Jan. 23: Community leader tells a new story about Newfoundland after news article on decline (Rural Resilience News)
- Jan. 3: The Broadcast with Jane Adey (CBC News)
- Dec. 11: ‘It offers hope:’ Memorial researchers devise lessons from Shorefast to aid rural communities (The Gazette)
- Nov. 16: Harris Centre Memorial presents: Social enterprise for community economic development (Youtube)