Our team

Dr. Gillian Morrissey,  manager

Dr. Gillian MorrisseyDr. Morrissey guides the activities of the Centre for Social Enterprise as it strives to cultivate a new generation of socially-minded business leaders, strengthen social enterprise and drive social innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador.

She previously worked as the educational support co-ordinator for Memorial’s master of business administration in social enterprise and entrepreneurship (MBA-SEE), and is a social entrepreneur in her own right, having founded and managed two community music ventures in St. John’s: Project Grace and the Bethany Centre for Arts and Community.

Dr. Morrissey holds a doctorate of musical arts from the University of Toronto, an artist diploma from the Royal College of Music (London, U.K.), a master of music from Memorial and a bachelor of music from the University of Ottawa.

She is a sessional lecturer in both the Faculty of Business Administration and School of Music at Memorial, and maintains a busy freelance career as both performer and pedagogue. Dr. Morrissey has performed in concert halls around the world, and researches on topics surrounding contemporary music practices and the intersection of community, music-making and social innovation.

Sarah Croft, program and student engagement co-ordinator

Sarah CroftSarah Croft is a graduate of Memorial University, holding a bachelor of commerce (co-operative) degree with a minor in psychology. She has a background working within entrepreneurial environments including social entrepreneurship and technology start-ups.

Sarah began working at the Centre for Social Enterprise (CSE) in 2017 as a student, where she completed two of her work terms. She enjoys witnessing the energy that people bring when exploring innovative solutions to gaps they have identified.

Her current work at the CSE includes the development and delivery of CSE programming within the Social Ventures Incubator, creating inclusive experiential learning opportunities for students through the Work Experience in Social Enterprise (WESE) initiative, managing social media accounts and co-ordinating student-focused challenge events. 

Alyssa King, community employment and engagement officer

Alyssa King headshotAlyssa King is a graduate of Memorial's master of business adminsitration in social enterprise and entrepreneurship (MBA-SEE) and bachelor of social work (BSW). She has a background working in the non-profit sector in career development and front-line, low barrier service. 

Alyssa is passionate about utilizing social enterprise to pursue social justice and support community deveopment. Her first exerience with the Centre for Social Enterprise (CSE) was through a Work Experience in Social Enterprise (WESE) placement in 2017 in partnership with Stella's Circle. During this placement, she discovered an interest in social enterprise and how it can be used to create positive social and environmental impact. 

Her current work at the CSE includes engaging with Memorial University stakeholders, such as students and community partners, to support MBA-SEE students in completing experiential learning placements that enhances learning and creates value for host employers. Alyssa enjoys connecting people to resources and opening doors for opportunity. 

Nancy Leung, Strategic Initiatives Coordinator

Nancy Leung is a graduate of Memorial’s Master of Business Administration. She also holds a Bachelor of Economics and Finance from the University of Hong Kong. Nancy has substantial experience managing large-scale projects and is a certified project management professional (PMP).

She gained exposure to social entrepreneurship during her two-year MBA study. She started her own social enterprise, Simply Wedding NL, through the Social Venture Incubator Program and developed her passion for social innovation. She is passionate about driving social change by advocating social entrepreneurship in the community.

Her current work at the CSE includes coordinating strategic initiatives related to social finance, impact investing, social procurement, and impact measurement.