View Procedure
Procedure for Conducting Interviews
The Selection Committee is responsible for following an equitable and objective selection process. The Department of Human Resources is available to provide guidance and support to the Committee throughout the interview process as required.
Arranging Interviews
When scheduling interviews, Candidates must be given:
- As much notice as possible (with a minimum of 48 hours notice);
- Clear instructions on the time, location and contact person, the names and titles of those conducting the interview, and information on parking;
- Information relating to any required testing procedures, presentations, written components etc.;
- All Candidates should be notified that accommodations can be made for the interview process. To ensure full participation a standard script such as the following may be communicated to all short-listed Candidates:
Memorial is committed to providing an inclusive learning and working environment. If there is anything we can do to ensure your full participation in the interview process please let us know and we will work with you to make appropriate arrangements
In some circumstances, such as a Candidate who is unable to attend an interview in person, the interview may be conducted using technology such as telephone, video, internet or other tools. At the request of the Selection Committee, the Department of Human Resources may assist with setting up the interviews and/or any testing.
Interview Structure and Questions
Typical Selection Committees are comprised of two to four members including the hiring manager and key stakeholders who interact regularly with the position. Participation of bargaining unit employees, student group representatives, subordinates or other stakeholders may be appropriate based upon the nature of the position. The Department of Human Resources is available for consultation on appropriate composition of the Selection Committee.
The structured interview process and questions are required to:
- Be based on the job description and/or the job advertisement;
- Ask interview and probing questions that are relevant and related to the position;
- Ask the same questions of each Candidate and take independent notes;
- Develop questions that will help assess each Candidate’s qualifications and competencies;
- Use behavioral interview questions to ask for specific examples of past experience for the purpose of anticipating future behaviors;
- Use scenario/competency questions to determine how Candidates would handle particular situations;
It is important that there be consistency in the format, questions, atmosphere and length of time available for all Candidates. The experiences will not be identical, but having pre-determined questions, a relatively regular order for the questions and a maximum time frame will increase the likelihood that Candidates are being treated fairly and consistently.
Documenting the Interview
Each member of the Selection Committee is responsible for taking notes during the interview. Notes can be helpful in reflecting on individual Candidates and in discussions with other members of the committee. Notes should be factual in nature and concern only those areas that the University is lawfully allowed to consider. As University records, all records are subject to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015.
Policies using this procedure:
Procedure Amendment History
No recorded history of amendments.