Policy Review Checklist


The Policy Framework requires that policies be reviewed at least every four years or earlier if needed. A review involves assessing an existing policy to monitor the effectiveness of the ongoing administration of the policy and ascertain its alignment with its intended purpose, relevance, inclusivity, adherence to best practices, alignment with the University's strategic objectives, and compliance with legislative requirements, among others. This evaluative process aims to identify opportunities for improvement, replacement, rescindment, amendment, or combining with other policies as necessary.

An earlier review may be prompted by various factors, including but not limited to:

  • the identification of inconsistencies or ambiguities;
  • adapting to changes in relevant laws and regulations;
  • responding to shifts in the University’s strategic objectives and priorities;
  • addressing emerging circumstances that require timely updates;
  • a consistent need to deviate from the policy, prompting a reconsideration and review;
  • or when the Board of Regents or the Executive Leadership Team deems it necessary or desirable to do so.

Here are the types of questions that should be considered while reviewing policies:

  • Is the policy still valid, applicable, and necessary?
  • Is the policy consistent with the University’s vision, mission and values, and strategic objectives?
  • Does the policy comply with current legislation?
  • Does the policy comply with current collective agreements?
  • Have there been deviations from the policy over the past year? If yes, were there a sufficient number to consider revising the policy?
  • Are there any known policy gaps?
  • Are there ambiguities in the policy statement? Are there questions arising from this policy? (if yes, perhaps the policy needs rewording for greater clarity)
  • Has the policy been assessed for its adaptability to emerging issues or trends within the University or the broader higher education landscape?
  • Are there any releavent Internal Audit recommenations that should be incorporated in the policy?
  • Has the policy been evaluated against best practices in higher education?
  • Have you considered practices and standards set by the government?
  • Does the policy align with accreditation requirements, if relevant?
  • Have practices been adopted that are no longer consistent with the policy statement?
  • What updates are necessary to reflect current structures, titles, roles, or changes in assigned authorities?
  • Are there any contradictions within the policy statement?
  • Does the policy contradict other policies?
  • Does the policy reflect the diverse perspectives and needs of the University community?
  • Are there potential barriers for specific individuals or groups?
  • Is the policy consistent with current technology?
  • Is language within the policy statement current, plain, inclusive, and easy to understand by someone outside the Unit?
  • Is the policy consistently interpreted?
  • Who are the key stakeholders that should help with the review of this policy?
  • Are the related procedures relevant and up to date?
  • Should the scope (i.e., to whom or what it applies) be modified?


Should you have any questions about a review, please contact the Policy Office at policy@mun.ca or (709) 864-2350.