Framework Toolkit

This toolkit will help you navigate through the process of developing and reviewing University-wide policies.

Policies exist to ensure that the University's processes and practices align with the University's vision, mission and values, strategic direction, and regulatory and governance environment. They describe the University's position on a particular issue. Procedures for implementation, communication and compliance monitoring should be developed for each policy.

A University Policy:

  • states the University’s position on issues which have University-wide application
  • upholds the University’s governing principles and reflects the University’s strategic direction
  • helps to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • establishes key requirements, responsibilities, and delegations of authority
  • promotes operational efficiencies
  • enhances the University’s mission or reduces institutional risk
  • provides decision-makers with guidance
  • changes infrequently
  • is formally approved by the Board of Regents

University Procedures:

  • articulate the method by which a policy is carried out
  • outline a set of instructions that must be followed in order to achieve a specific purpose or outcome
  • identify roles and responsibilities

While this toolkit incorporates the Policy Framework for University-wide policies, units may develop operating standards, protocols, internal regulations, or guidelines that have applicability within their unit as long as these documents are consistent with University-wide policies and procedures and developed following the same general principles for development, consultation, approval, dissemination, and review as the University-wide policies.