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Procedure for Assessing Risk for Travel Outside of Canada

Approval Date: 2021-12-02

Effective Date: 2015-03-12

Responsible Unit: Office of the Chief Risk Officer


When planning travel outside of Canada, Travelers are required to assess the risks associated with the specific destination(s) to which they are travelling.

Travelers are also required to monitor the GAC travel advisories or alternate advisories provided by Memorial for their destination(s) until their departure and while travelling for University-related activities.

When assessing the risk of travel outside of Canada, the Traveler/Activity Coordinator will:

1. Determine the GAC travel advisories for their destination(s).

2. If applicable, contact the Travel Outside of Canada (TOC) Committee, no later than eight weeks before departure with a Personal Safety Plan, if the specific destination has a GAC travel advisory of “Avoid Non-Essential Travel”. Refer to the Travel Outside of Canada for University-related Activities table included in this procedure:

 Travel Outside of Canada for University-related Activities
DFATD Travel Advisory
For Destination
TOC Committee
Review Required
Exercise Normal Security Precautions
Exercise a High Degree of Caution
Avoid Non-Essential Travel
Avoid All Travel
Not Applicable

Destinations assigned a GAC travel advisory of “Avoid Non-Essential Travel” are deemed high risk. Travel to high risk destinations, for University-related activities, requires additional risk assessment and a Personal Safety Plan.

Travelers developing a Personal Safety Plan should first visit the Global Affairs Travel Advisory for the country to which they are travelling.

They should review each risk highlighted in the Safety and Security section, and consider how they will avoid or mitigate the outlined risks.

A. When requesting review of travel outside of Canada to destination(s) with a GAC travel advisory of “Avoid Non-Essential Travel”, the Traveler/Activity

Coordinator will develop a Personal Safety Plan which includes the following components:

1. An explanation of the essential nature of the proposed travel.

2. A description of the risks faced by the traveler (based on the GAC advisory).

3. An explanation of how each risk will be mitigated.

Once complete, the traveler should send the Personal Safety Plan to the Travel Outside of Canada Committee.

The Committee may request further edits and additions to the plan.

B. Upon receiving the Personal Safety Plan, the Chair of the TOC Committee, or delegate, will:

1. Provide the Traveler/Activity Coordinator with an acknowledgement of receipt.

2. Activate a TOC Committee review and response.

3. Provide a copy of the TOC Committee’s written response to the Traveler, Activity Coordinator (if applicable), the Traveler/Activity Coordinator’s Unit Head, and the Provost and Vice-President Academic (or delegate).

4.Support the Traveler to ensure they are adequately prepared to undertake the proposed travel.

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Procedure Amendment History

There are past amendments for this policy:

Date: 2021-12-23 16:11:10
This procedure was published as a replacement of a previous version with an ID of 488. Comment provided: Revised Procedures (Approved Dec 2 2021)
Action: Created full working copy
Date: 2022-08-31 08:23:54
Date: 2022-08-31 08:26:37
This procedure was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: 8/31/22 fixed links