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Procedure for Informal Resolution of a Respectful Learning Environment Concern

Approval Date: 2024-07-11

Effective Date: 2024-09-03

Responsible Unit: Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)


1. To request the informal resolution of a Concern, the Student(s) shall indicate their wish to resolve the Concern informally. The informal resolution process is confidential and is handled in accordance with section 7 of the Respectful Learning Environment Policy.

The Student Services Representative (or delegate), in consultation with appropriate individuals as may be required, will review the Concern and consider whether it falls within the parameters of this policy and determine if other policies, such as the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Policy, apply.

  1. All matters that are sexual in nature must be referred to the Sexual Harassment Advisor of the University (see section 1.8).
  2. All matters of an academic nature as related to assessment and promotion will be referred to the applicable University educational unit and policy.

2. If it is determined that the matter does not fall within the parameters of this policy, the Student(s) raising the Concern will be advised of the decision, in writing within ten (10) days of the determination, by the Student Services Representative (or delegate).

3. If the matter falls within the parameters of this Policy the Student Services Representative (or delegate) will refer the matter, as appropriate, to:

  1. the Associate Director of Faculty Relations (or delegate), when the Respondent is a faculty member; or
  2. the Associate Director of Human Resources (or delegate) when the Respondent is a staff member.

4. The Student Services Representative (or delegate) may be engaged to work with the individuals involved, with the goal of reaching a mutually acceptable resolution. External resources may be engaged to help facilitate a resolution. The Student Services Representative; the Associate Director of Faculty Relations and/or the Associate Director of Human Resources will consult with others (such as General or Legal Counsel or other consultants) as appropriate. Normally, the informal resolution process will not exceed thirty (30) days from the day the Concern was brought forward to the Student Services Representative (or delegate). This time frame may be extended as appropriate.

4.1. In reaching a mutually agreeable resolution, one or more actions may be required. Actions may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:

  1. A verbal or written apology;
  2. Agreement by the Respondent to participate in specific activities related to the Concern, such as educational seminars or workshops;
  3. Agreement by the Respondent and/or Complainant to participate in a restorative justice process or activity designed to address the Concern;
  4. Agreement by the Respondent to cease the activities which caused the Concern and a commitment to not engage in such conduct in the future;
  5. Agreement to refrain from contacting another member of the University community (directly or indirectly);
  6. Other actions that are relevant to the Concern.

4.2. No formal discipline will be applied to an employee as a result of a successful informal process.

4.3. If a resolution acceptable to the Complainant and Respondent is not achieved, the Associate Director of Faculty Relations (or delegate) or the Associate Director of Human Resources (or delegate), will advise the Complainant in writing within ten (10) days.

4.4. If a resolution acceptable to the Complainant and Respondent is achieved, the Associate Director, Faculty Relations (or delegate), or the Associate Director, Human Resources, (or delegate) will advise both the Complainant and Respondent within ten (10) days that the Concern was successfully informally resolved.

4.5. Any documentation with regard to the process or outcome is retained in the Student file by the appropriate facilitator of the Concern, and are to be kept in accordance with section 10 of the Respectful Learning Environment Policy.

Policies using this procedure:

Procedure Amendment History

No recorded history of amendments.