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Procedure for Consultations on Respectful Learning Environment

Approval Date: 2024-07-11

Effective Date: 2024-09-03

Responsible Unit: Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)


1. Students are encouraged to first address any Concerns with the appropriate Unit Head (or delegate), for appropriate resolution. If the Student(s) is not satisfied with that resolution, they may proceed to seek resolution under this procedure.

If the Concern is not in relation to an academic matter and has not been resolved in accordance with paragraph 1, students, including bystanders, can reach out directly to the Director of Student Life (St. John’s Campus, Harlow Campus, Signal Hill Campus and Labrador Campus); Director, Student Affairs (Marine Institute), or the Registrar/Director of Student Services (Grenfell Campus), or with a designated member of their staff (hereinafter referred to as the “Student Services Representative”).

1.1. Students who feel they have a Concern that they have experienced behaviour in violation of this Policy are strongly encouraged to contact the Student Services Representative (or delegate), by telephone, email or meeting either in-person or virtually. Students may be accompanied by a Support Person when meeting for a consultation. The Support Person is not permitted to speak on behalf of the Student(s) who requested the consultation. The Student(s) must advise of who their support person will be at least two (2) days before the consultation.

1.2. The Student Services Representative (or delegate), shall provide the Student(s) with information regarding the policy and its related procedures as well as information regarding other available Memorial and community services and resources.

1.3. The Student Services Representative (or delegate) may consult with others, as appropriate (e.g., General Counsel; Human Resources, Faculty Relations, other consultants) to ensure they are providing the Student(s) with appropriate information.

1.4. All consultations with the Student Services Representative (or delegate) are confidential and are handled in accordance with section 7 of the policy.

1.5. Consultations with the Student Services Representative (or delegate), do not initiate an informal or formal resolution of a Concern or Complaint. Such resolution procedures can only be initiated by the Student(s) as per the procedures below.

1.6. The Student Services Representative (or delegate) may determine that the issue brought forward for consultation does not fall under this policy. In such cases, the Student Services Representative (or delegate) may refer the Student(s) to other University academic or administrative units or policies which may include the Student Wellness and Counselling Center, Student Support Office, Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities, Conflict of Interest or others, as appropriate.

1.7. All matters that are sexual in nature must be referred to the Sexual Harassment Advisor of the University. If the Sexual Harassment Advisor believes, after consultation with relevant parties, that a Concern based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression would be better handled under this Procedure, the Sexual Harassment Advisor will so advise.

1.8. A Concern may be, but is not required to be, in writing. Every reasonable attempt should be made to resolve the Concern prior to moving to formal mechanisms.

1.9. In situations where someone’s safety and security or that of others is an issue, they should report the situation immediately to appropriate campus enforcement or security officials on the respective campus or to the police.

1.10. Upon referral from the person receiving a Concern, and when appropriate, interim measures may be implemented by the Head of Campus in consultation with relevant parties as necessary in accordance with section 8 of the Policy. Such measures will be precautionary, not disciplinary, and as such are not open for appeal but may extend over the period during which the situation is being resolved. The University will exercise care to protect and respect the rights of all individuals.

Policies using this procedure:

Procedure Amendment History

No recorded history of amendments.