University Policy
Development, Approval and Administration of University Policies
To define a coordinated and consistent process for the identification, development, approval, dissemination, administration, revision, and rescindment of all non-academic University policies.
All University policy and related procedures except:
- academic policies and regulations, which are contained in the University's Academic Calendar and policies intended to guide the operation of the Senate;
- the Board of Regents' policies which are intended to guide the operation of the Board.
EDI-AR — Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism.
ELT — The Executive Leadership Team refers to the senior administrative body of the University that normally comprises the President and the Vice-Presidents of the University. It is a decision-making body with responsibility for University operations and affairs. This is a functional description, not a formal title.
PAG — The Policy Advisory Group is an advisory body to ELT on policy development, serving as a representative body for the University's various portfolios and campuses and administrated by the Office of the Board of Regents - Policy Office. This is a functional description, not a formal title.
Responsible Unit — For the purposes of this policy, the Responsible Unit refers to the academic or administrative unit assigned by the policy Sponsor to administer, oversee, and review University procedures associated with a policy under the Sponsor's responsibility. More than one Responsible Unit may be designated for a particular University Policy.
Sponsor — A senior administrator, normally a Vice-President, with overall responsibility for an assigned policy, including, but not limited to, research and drafting of the policy; carrying out appropriate consultation/assessment; evaluating implications of the policy, including risks and costs, strategic considerations, legislation compliance, and seeking legal advice, where appropriate; developing and carrying out the communications and the implementation plans; writing any related procedures; monitoring compliance through regular review of the policy. The Sponsor may designate a delegate, who must be named.
Unit — Academic or administrative unit as defined in the University Calendar.
Unit Head — The term Unit Head refers to Deans, Heads of Departments, Schools and Divisions, Directors, Executive Directors, University Librarian, University Registrar, and other senior administrators at a comparable level; Associate Vice-Presidents, Vice-Provosts, Vice-Presidents, and the President as applicable.
University — Memorial University of Newfoundland.
University Members — Any person who teaches, conducts research, studies, or works at or under the auspices of the University and includes, without limitation, all employees, all students, and any other person(s) while they are acting on behalf of or at the request of the University.
University Policies
Policies exist to ensure that the University’s processes and practices align with the University’s vision, mission and values, strategic direction, and regulatory and governance environment. They describe the University's position on a particular issue.
A University policy:
- states the University's position on issues which have University-wide application;
- upholds the University's governing principles and reflects the University’s strategic direction;
- identifies and prescribes compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and other policies;
- establishes key requirements, responsibilities, and delegations of authority;
- promotes operational efficiencies;
- enhances the University's mission and institutional plans and/or reduces institutional risk;
- provides decision-makers with guidance;
- changes infrequently.
University Members engaged in developing, revising, or rescinding non-academic policies and procedures must follow the requirements outlined in this policy and its related documents to ensure a transparent, accessible, and accountable process.
The policy Sponsor is accountable for ensuring that the policy development and review processes meet the requirements of this policy and its related documents.
ELT is responsible for the oversight of implementation and adherence to the Policy Framework, approving policy proposals, and endorsing policies for the approval of the Board of Regents, and it has the authority to make incidental amendments to University policies.
The Office of the Board of Regents — Policy Office is responsible for the administration of the policy development processes, coordination and maintenance of the policy portfolio, and is available throughout the policy development and review process to provide expertise, assistance, and advice.
Non-academic University policies require the approval of the Board of Regents.
University Procedures
Procedures for implementation, communication, and compliance monitoring should be developed for each policy. Each procedure is assigned a Responsible Unit for administration and oversight.
For new policies, the relevant procedures shall be developed and approved concurrently with the new policy development so that the policy can be implemented once approved.
For revised policies, any new relevant procedures, as well as any revisions to existing relevant procedures, shall be developed and approved concurrently with the policy revision.
Revising or introducing new procedures, independent of revising the linked policy(ies), requires the approval of the Sponsor and appropriate consultation, normally through the Policy Advisory Group.
Procedures, when published, will be appropriately linked to relevant policy(ies) to ensure coordination.
Unit-Level Documents
Units may develop operating standards, protocols, internal regulations or guidelines that have applicability within their Units to support their operational responsibilities as long as these documents are consistent with University-wide policies and procedures. Where there is a contradiction, the University policy or procedures will take precedence. The development of local guiding and/or operational documents should follow the same general principles for developing University-wide policies: development, consultation, approval, dissemination, and review.
Process for the Development, Approval and Administration of Policy and Procedures:
1. Approval of Concept
Any Member of the University community may propose a new University policy or revision to an existing policy.
University Members initiating the development or revision of a University policy shall inform and consult with the Office of the Board of Regents — Policy Office.
The policy proposal must contain a well-crafted rationale, recommend a Sponsor for the policy, outline a timeline for development and approval, and have the support of the appropriate Unit Head, who will submit the proposal for approval to the appropriate Vice-President.
The Vice-President will submit the proposal to PAG for review, who then will forward it, with any recommendations, to ELT for approval. Following an assessment of need, ELT will determine whether policy development proceeds and, if so, will assign a Sponsor.
2. Drafting and Consultation
The Sponsor has the responsibility for research and drafting of the policy, including ensuring the use of a common format, making the needed changes, drafting relevant procedures, if any, and developing a communications plan and an implementation plan. The Sponsor is also responsible for carrying out appropriate consultations/assessments for evaluating the implications of the policy, including potential risks and costs, strategic alignment, EDI-AR considerations, legislation compliance, and, where appropriate, seeking legal advice.
Prior to conducting public consultation, the Sponsor will submit the first draft to PAG for review and feedback.
3. Recommendation for Approval
After public consultation, the Sponsor will forward the draft policy/policy revision (and relevant procedures) to ELT for final review and endorsement for the approval of the Board of Regent. ELT will forward the draft policy/policy revision to the President, who will submit it to the Board of Regents for approval. Where appropriate, the Senate may be asked to review and assess a policy submission.
4. Implementation
Once approved by the Board of Regents, the Sponsor may proceed with the implementation of the new policy/revised policy, including communicating the approval to all relevant Units and employees, arranging and delivering appropriate training, monitoring compliance, etc.
5. Review of Policies
The policy Sponsor shall conduct a review of their policies every four years or earlier if needed. A review involves assessing an existing policy to monitor the effectiveness of the ongoing administration of the policy and ascertain its alignment with its intended purpose, relevance, inclusivity, adherence to best practices, alignment with the University's strategic objectives, and compliance with legislative requirements, among others. This evaluative process aims to identify opportunities for improvement, replacement, rescindment, amendment, or combining with other policies as necessary.
All policies subject to review shall remain in effect beyond their review due date until such time as they are amended, rescinded, or otherwise modified by the appropriate authority.
The Office of the Board of Regents — Policy Office will establish a review schedule of existing policies and notify Sponsors at least six months before a review is required. The schedule will ensure that policies are subjected to a review at least once every four years.
6. Review of Procedures:
The Responsible Unit shall conduct a review of its assigned procedures when technological, operational, and/or organizational changes occur, or at least as often as the parent policy is reviewed, to ensure the procedures are current and relevant.
7. Administration, Coordination, and Maintenance of the Policy Portfolio
The Office of the Board of Regents — Policy Office has responsibility for the administration of the processes in the Policy and Procedure Frameworks, the coordination of the policy portfolio, and the curatorial aspects of all policies and procedures (i.e., keeping a directory of the approved policies and ensuring that they are available on the University's website). The online version of policies and procedures will be the official version, and there will be only one online version.
The Office of the Board of Regents — Policy Office will provide the Board of Regents and ELT with an annual report about University policies due for review within that year and the status of all policies identified for review and any policies developed in the preceding year in addition to any policy recommendations.
Incidental Amendments
ELT has the authority to make incidental amendments to policy documents which do not alter the meaning of the policy or change roles and responsibilities, such as grammatical/editorial corrections, adding definitions or language changes for clarity or consistency, updating references to organizational structures, programs, or positions, the inclusion of gender-neutral language, and making secondary changes resulting from other related policies and governance decisions being adopted.
ELT, in consultation with PAG and the policy Sponsor, collaboratively decides if proposed changes to a policy can be considered incidental and do not require the Board’s approval.
Related Documents
Policy and Procedures Framework
Framework Toolkit (Templates and Guidelines)
The Policy Advisory Group Terms of Reference
There are no procedures associated with this policy.
For inquiries related to this policy:
Office of the Board of Regents – Policy Office: 709-864-2350.
The President
Previous Versions:
There is at least one previous version of this policy. Contact the Policy Office to view earlier version(s)
Policy Amendment History
There are past amendments for this policy: