University Policy


Building Access Control

Approval Date: 2024-07-11

Effective Date: 2024-07-11

Review Date: 2028-07-11


Vice-President (Administration, Finance, and Advancement)


To establish authority, responsibilities, and procedures for the control of physical access to University buildings. This is to ensure that all University buildings are secure and to protect the University community and physical assets as needed.


All Memorial University-owned/controlled infrastructure and physical access control systems. This policy applies to all University employees, students, visitors, and all external organizations that are using or contemplating the use of University facilities.


Access Control Program – the documented organization of doors and door groups assigned to Units that have associated key and electronic access, including documented organization of key and electronic access assignments of University community members as requested through a departmental authority. This may be documented through electronic access control or key management systems or by manual records. Access control programs also require a risk register of all Unit spaces and identified controls to enter high-risk spaces.

Appropriate Authority - The Appropriate Authority on each campus refers to the designated position or entity responsible for overseeing access control and management within their respective campus.

Departmental Authority - the responsibility held by an employee designated by the Unit Head to be responsible for authorizing access to buildings or interior spaces controlled by the Unit. The Departmental Authority holds oversight responsibility and accountability for the Key Coordinator and the Electronic Access Device Coordinator functions. This is a functional description, not a position title.

OCRO – Office of the Chief Risk Officer.

Unit - Academic or administrative unit as defined in the University Calendar.

Unit Head - Deans, Department Heads, Division Heads, Heads of Schools, Directors, Executive Directors, University Librarian, University Registrar, and other senior administrators at a comparable level; Associate Vice-Presidents, Vice-Provosts, Vice-Presidents, the President, as applicable.

University – Memorial University of Newfoundland.

University Buildings – Space occupied and managed by Memorial University of Newfoundland; this may include owned space, leased space, and space inhabited by the University under shared service agreements.



The OCRO is responsible for establishing the University’s policy and procedures regarding physical building access and overseeing compliance with their requirements. Memorial University Access Control Policy and relevant Procedures shall guide the OCRO in executing its responsibilities.

The Appropriate Authority will ensure each campus has an Access Control Program as required by the Physical Access Control Procedure.

The position/Unit responsible for facilities maintenance for each campus will also have the responsibility for maintaining all physical access control systems, including but not limited to doors, frames, locks, keys, door and frame hardware, electrical and fiber optic cabling, and access control hardware and devices (e.g. proximity reader, electronic strike, door contacts/magnets, electronic latches, power transfer hinge, motion sensor, etc.).

Responsibility and accountability for controlling interior building spaces rests with the Unit assigned those spaces through any associated policies and procedures. The Unit will undertake building access control measures, as outlined in the Access Control Procedure, and review all physical access every semester.

The Access Control Program, as detailed in the Access Control Procedure, will document building access control measures and will be kept on file by the responsible Units and reported to the OCRO.


Records will be audited by the unit each semester and the OCRO will conduct audits every three years (or as required and resources permit) to maintain compliance with this policy.

Non-Compliance with this policy and relevant procedures could result in the delay or removal of physical access granting authority.

Related Documents

Space Policy


For inquiries related to this policy:

Office of the Chief Risk Officer 709-864-4895.


Vice-President (Administration, Finance and Advancement)



Previous Versions:

No previous versions

Policy Amendment History

There are past amendments for this policy:

Date: 2024-07-19 12:52:52
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Update approval date
Date: 2024-07-24 15:03:02
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Updated to connect procedures.
Date: 2024-08-06 15:01:30
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Updated to correct error in review date.
Date: 2024-09-11 10:26:45
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Updated to reflect Vice-President titles as approved by the Board of Regents December 7, 2023