Admissions Process

Admission to the program considers both academics and non-academics.

Admission to the program is NOT direct entry from high school.

Applicants must successfully complete eight (8) specific and two (2) elective pre-requisite courses (or their equivalent) prior to being eligible for admission.  

Academic score: Once the pre-requisite courses are completed, an academic score is calculated for each applicant as follows:

Academic score = (Pre-requisite average + Partial cumulative average)/2

Pre-requisite average: the average of the required eight (8) specific pre-requisite courses:

  • The pre-requisite average calculation is based on courses with numeric final grades.
  • Courses with a final grade of “Pass” are deemed successfully complete but are excluded from the calculation.
  • Final grades for pre-requisite courses being taken in the winter semester before September admission will be taken into account but final grades must be available by May 1. 

Partial cumulative average: the average of the 20 (or less than 20 courses, whatever the case may be) of the most recently completed post-secondary undergraduate level courses, including pre-requisite courses.

The 20 (or less) courses used in the calculation will be those completed as of the end of the fall semester prior to the September in which admission is sought.

Once Academic Scores have been calculated, they are ranked highest to lowest in the three pools of applicants: 1. Newfoundland & Labrador pool (NL), 2. Newfoundland & Labrador Indigenous pool, and 3. Out-of-province pool (OP).

Applicants will be required to complete an online asynchronous interview once they have completed their application. Only those who meet eligibility for acceptance will have their interview assessed. Typically, the academic score cutoff for the NL pool is around 76% and for OP around 85%. Information about interviews will be shared with eligible applicants after the application deadline. Applicants with an Academic Score of less than 70% are NOT eligible to advance to the interview stage.

1. Interview: Eligible candidates will be invited to a virtual, asynchronous interview. Interview questions are normally behavioral type questions. This means you will be asked to talk about a real experience from your past. For example, "tell us about a time when you had to solve a challenging problem".

Offers of admission based on admission score
An admission score is calculated for each applicant as follows: 

Academic score component = 65% + interview score component = 35%.

Admission scores for applicants are ranked highest to lowest in each pool of applicants. 

Normally, 34 seats are reserved for residents of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), one seat for an NL Indigenous applicant and five seats for non-NL applicants, including international applicants.

For more information, refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

If you have questions, please contact us at or 709-864-2077.