Scholarships and Awards

The School of Pharmacy has many awards available to both undergraduate and graduate students which are sponsored by pharmaceutical manufacturers, and other companies and individuals.

These awards are granted based on certain criteria. Some awards are given based on financial need, others are based on performance in a specific course or subject area and others are based on student involvement in activities outside the classroom.

Selection of award recipients is determined by the School of Pharmacy Awards Committee.

Professional awards are also distributed. The Alumni Achievement Award honours and celebrates the contributions of alumni to the pharmacy profession. This is the award of highest distinction for graduates of the School of Pharmacy. Preceptor of the Year awards are given to hospital and community pharmacy preceptors who have made a special impact on their students. These awards are nominated by students.

Scholarships & Awards Ceremony 2023

Scholarships & Awards Cermoney 2023: Presentations


Dr. Amy Clarke
Chair, Scholarships & Awards Committee