Frequently Asked Questions

General questions
Admission questions
Prerequisite course questions
Pharmacy Practice Experience questions
General questions

What is the Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree?

The Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy degree (PharmD) replaced the baccalaureate pharmacy degree (BSc) in September 2017 and is now the only undergraduate degree in pharmacy. All pharmacy schools in Canada now offer the Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree. [back]

What does Memorial's Entry-to-Practice PharmD program (curriculum) look like?

A new curriculum and Doctor of Pharmacy Entry-to-Practice - Program of Study has been designed to meet the changing needs of the profession. There is an increase in experiential learning with the final year comprised primarily of pharmacy practice experience[back]

How long will it take to complete the PharmD program?

The PharmD program takes five years to complete. The final year consists of practical experience rotations in community, institutional, and other pharmacy practice settings.

What is the tuition cost for the Entry-to-Practice PharmD program?
Click here for program cost information. [back]

Is there a program at Memorial for practicing pharmacists who wish to obtain a PharmD?

The School offers a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program for Working Professionals. It is aimed at practicing pharmacists who wish to receive the additional education provided in an Entry-to-Practice PharmD degree. The Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) for Working Professionals program consists of a combination of online distance courses and an experiential learning component. The first class was admitted in September 2018. [back]

Admission questions

What do I need to do to apply for admission to the Entry to Practice PharmD Program?

How many students are admitted annually to the Entry-to-Practice PharmD program?

The School of Pharmacy normally admits 40 students each September. Thirty-five seats are reserved for Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) residents (Newfoundland and Labrador Resident Definition) with one of those seats reserved for an eligible Indigenous person from NL. The remaining five seats are open to competition from non-NL residents, including international applicants. [back]

Do I have to take a full course load (i.e., five courses/15 credit hours per semester) before being considered for admission?

The Pharmacy program is a busy one requiring students to do up to 19 credit hours per semester; therefore, successful candidates should demonstrate their ability to handle a full course load by taking five courses (15 credit hours) per semester in at least one semester. This is especially important for 1st year students who might already have some of the pre-requisite courses completed. The Admissions Committee may consider factors such as course loads taken and the number and frequency of repeat course attempts in making their recommendations for admission. Although it is not a requirement, students are strongly encouraged to take five courses in more than one semester to prepare for the rigor of the pharmacy program. [back]

Is there a waitlist for admission?

Yes, a waitlist is created for offers of admission. Placement on the waitlist will not be disclosed to applicants. [back]

Is the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) used for admission purposes?

No, the PCAT test is not required and is not to be used in the admissions process here at Memorial University. [back]

Are applicants who have completed more than the one year of university study given preference?

No, preference is not given to applicants who have completed more than the one year of university study. Many applicants have completed several years of university or have already completed one or more degrees. [back]

Which courses can I complete before getting into the Pharmacy Program that can be used for credit later when admitted to the program?

Courses that can be completed before being admitted to the program that would be eligible for credit once in the program include:

  • Human Biosciences 2001 (formerly Biochemistry 2201 or Biochemistry 2101) will be awarded credit for Pharmacy 2004
  • Human Biosciences 2003 (formerly Biochemistry 3206 or Biochemistry 3106 will be awarded credit for Pharmacy 3111
  • Human Biosciences 3101 (formerly Biochemistry 4105 or Biology 4200 will be awarded credit for Pharmacy 3006
  • Chemistry 2400 Introductory Organic Chemistry I will be awarded credit
  • Chemistry 2401 Introductory Organic Chemistry II will be awarded credit

If these courses are completed prior to being admitted to the program, students will carry a lighter course load during the academic year. It is not possible for students to reduce the total number of years of study. Students who earn credits for courses required for the Pharmacy degree should keep in mind that in order to qualify for student loans, bursaries or scholarships, students are required to take 30 credit hours per academic year. Therefore, taking additional elective courses (which do not count towards the degree) may be desirable. [back]

Can I apply directly to an upper year if I have already completed several years of university or have completed one or more degrees?

All students will be admitted to the first year of the program. Since the program includes a number of courses (for which equivalent courses are not offered elsewhere) and the previous year of the program always serves as a pre-requisite year, it is not possible for successful applicants to be eligible for direct entry to an upper year of study. Students who receive transfer credit for courses in the program will have a reduced course load in the years in which exemptions are granted. [back]

Can I apply directly to an upper year if I am transferring from another Faculty of Pharmacy?

It is not possible for students from other schools of Pharmacy to be admitted directly to an upper year of study largely because of differences in program structure and requirements. [back]

Prerequisite course questions

What are the prerequisite course requirements for the Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program?

The following courses at Memorial University are prerequisites for admission:

  • Biology 1001 and 1002
  • Chemistry 1050 and 1051 at St. John's campus or Chemistry 1200 and 1001 at Grenfell Campus
  • Six credit hours in English of which three credit hours may be any Memorial University Critical Reading and Writing course 
  • Mathematics 1000* (1006) and 1001
  • Six credit hours of electives [back]

*MUN Calculus Placement Test (CPT): The alpha grade a student receives on MUN's CPT will be converted to a numeric grade when calculating academic scores. A= 87, B=75, C=65 and D= 55.

I got a transfer credit for successfully passing the Calculus Placement test. How does the school factor that into the Academic Score Calculation?

The alpha grade is converted to a numeric grade:
A=87, B= 75, C=65, D= 55 [back]

I already have a bachelor’s degree, do I still need to complete all the prerequisites for admission to the PharmD program?

Yes, all applicants regardless of degree or major must complete all the required prerequisites courses before they are eligible for admission. [back]

Is there a minimum grade requirement for the prerequisite courses? What if I got a final grade of PAS?

There is no minimum other than a passing grade (i.e., 50%) but applicants should recognize that it is important to have a strong academic foundation in the prerequisite courses to be successful in the program. Courses in which students received a final grade of PAS will be considered as being successfully completed. [back]

Can I take prerequisite courses in the spring/summer semester and be considered for admission in September that same year?

Unfortunately, that is not possible. Spring and summer session final grades are issued too late to be considered for September admission of the same year. Applicants are required to complete the prerequisite courses and submit their final grades by May 1. [back]

How do I know if a course taken at another university/college is equivalent to the prerequisite courses at MUN?

For students who have completed courses outside of Memorial and would like information about potential transfer credits, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

You must provide the following information:

  • Name of the post-secondary institution
  • Course name(s)
  • Course number(s)
  • Course title(s)

If the information is available in the Registrar's database, it will be made available to you. If not, your application will proceed through the normal channels at which time courses will be assessed for transfer credit. [back]

Are applicants who complete the pre-requisite courses at Memorial University given preference over those who attend another post-secondary institution?

No, if you have completed courses that are equivalent to those at Memorial University you will be eligible for admission. [back]

Pharmacy Practice Experience questions

How much pharmacy practice experience will be provided in the Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program?

In order to meet accreditation standards, the program must include a total of 40 weeks of pharmacy practice experience. Memorial's program offers a total of 44 weeks: 12 weeks early to mid-program and 32 weeks of Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs) in the final year of the program. The final year rotations include experiences in community, institutional, and other pharmacy practice settings. [back]