Getting ready in high school

To get on a successful path to a career in pharmacy one should:

  • Develop good study habits.
  • Meet with your high school guidance counsellor to make sure you're doing the correct high school courses needed to do the prerequisite courses for admission to the School of Pharmacy.

The following table lists the eight (8) required and two (2) elective Memorial University prerequisite courses and the accompanying Newfoundland and Labrador high school preparatory courses: 

MUN Courses

Newfoundland and Labrador

High School Courses

Biology 1001 and 1002

No high school biology required

Chemistry 1050 and 1051 (St. John’s Campus); Chemistry 1200 and 1001 (Grenfell Campus)

Go to the Chemistry Course Criteria chart for more information

English: Six credit hours are required, but three credits may be a Memorial University Critical Reading & Writing course

Grade 12/Senior Secondary English; English 3201 for NL students

Mathematics 1000 (1006) and 1001

Go to the Math Course Criteria Chart for more information

Electives: Six credit hours (two courses)


For Advanced Placement (AP), please see the Transfer Credit Chart.

If you are a transfer student who has not attended high school in Newfoundland and Labrador, please see required prerequisite courses. Please contact the Registrar’s Office for further information about potential transfer credits.

For academic advice, please contact a university academic advisor.