Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE)
The Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs) take place in the final year of the program. Students are required to complete four practice experience courses totaling 32 weeks of advanced experiential learning, in the time period between May of Year 4 and April of Year 5.
PHAR 605P Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience requires eight weeks (320 hours) of practice experience in any pharmacy setting where pharmacist care is provided to patients.
PHAR 606P Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience requires eight weeks (320 hours) of pharmacy practice experience in an acute care hospital setting.
PHAR 607P Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience requires eight weeks (320 hours) of practice experience in a community pharmacy, where students will provide patient care by applying expanded scope of practice skills.
PHAR 608P Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience requires eight weeks (320 hours) of practice experience which may occur in either a direct or non-direct patient care setting.
APPE Manual
Preceptor Evaluation-of-Student – APPE Direct Patient Care
Preceptor Evaluation-of-Student – APPE Non-Direct Patient Care