Employment Opportunities

Per-Course Appointment - Pharm 6930

The School of Pharmacy invites applications from individuals interested in teaching Pharmacy 6930 in the Spring of 2025.

Subject to budgetary restrictions and sufficient enrolments, appointments will be made on a course-by-course basis and will not entail any obligation to conduct research or to perform any administrative service for Memorial University. Appointments will be made in accordance with the provisions in the MUN-LUMUN Collective Agreement. Course design and evaluation methods for all courses will be in accordance with the School of Pharmacy regulations and the Memorial University Calendar.

Per-Course Appointment - Pharm 5901

The School of Pharmacy invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following content: Cardiology – arrhythmias in the undergraduate course Pharmacy 5901 Pharmaceutical Care I in Spring 2025.

Subject to budgetary restrictions and sufficient enrolments, appointments will be made on a course-by-course basis and will not entail any obligation to conduct research or to perform any administrative service for Memorial University. Appointments will be made in accordance with the provisions in the MUN-LUMUN Collective Agreement. Course design and evaluation methods for all courses will be in accordance with the School of Pharmacy regulations and the Memorial University Calendar.