Aquatic Health Assays
We offer research support with assays for use in Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM), fate and effects studies, aquaculture research and other areas where health impacts may be seen in fish. These tests are of use to scientists in the oil & gas, mineral exploration, environmental, fisheries and aquaculture fields. They are available to academic, government and industrial users.
We are happy to work to implement new assays that may be of use to you in your research. Please contact the facility manager for more information.
Haematology. We can perform basic haematological work including blood smears and differential white blood cell (WBC) counts. Imbalances in WBC counts may be associated with disease in fish. |
Pathology. Stained slides can be prepared from fixed animal tissue for a variety of uses. This may be provided to your veterinary pathologist for clinical evaluation. We are able to perform basic pathological assessments of gill tissue. |
Mixed Function Oxygenase (MFO). In fish, mixed function oxygenase (MFO) activity is induced by exposure to toxins. In this assay, EROD (ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase) activity is measured. |
Phagocytosis assay. In vitro measurement of the phagocytic ability of macropage iosolated from fish can be used to assess the impacts of pharmaceuticals, feed, or environmental toxins on fish immunity. |
Oxidative burst assay. The oxidative burst response of phagocytic cells produces superoxide anions as part of an immune response, which may be altered by disease or pharmaceuticals. |